Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (36) Adland by James P. Othmer

I've never featured a non-fiction book for WoW, but there's a first for everything. I saw this on Shelf Awareness yesterday (yes, I'm still reading it...but I don't request much anything anymore) and as an advertising copywriter with many crazy work stories of my own, I am really in the mood to read something like this. Othmer is a copywriter turned novelist ( the dream) and the book not only chronicles his personal experiences but also gives us an inside look at what's going on in advertising right now.

Excerpt of summary from Doubleday's website:

Liar's Poker meets The Tipping Point meets Mad Men-a hilarious, personal, and sneakily profound chronicle of the past, present, and future of the advertising business. Adland is a book about advertising. Which is to say, it's a book about every issue and aspect of life on our morally conflicted, culturally challenged, ubiquitously branded planet.

Adland releases on September 15th in hardcover.

Oh, and P.S. - I'm very much looking forward to Mad Men's 3rd season, set to air starting early next month on AMC.
WoW is hosted by Jill - head over there to see what other bloggers are looking forward to this week.


  1. Books that have a character with the same occupation as me ALWAYS get me too!

  2. This looks like a hilarious book! The advertising industry has always interested me, and a behind-the-scenes look seems intriguing.

  3. Ooo, this looks great. My nonfiction tends to interest me but isn't something that would appeal to the masses (dissertation on Orwell anyone?) but this looks like one I could actually pass around. Fun!

  4. Marie - So you read a lot about librarians? Any recommendations?

  5. sooo excited for Mad Men too! (takes a drag from an imaginary cigarette) yes, this books looks like a good one for me as well.

  6. We discussed advertising in some of my courses this semester. Even though it isn't my field of study, it does seem like an interesting book!

  7. Oooh. This sound interesting~
    For Nonfiction too~

    And I can't believe you got Beautiful Creatures. I am so jealous! DX


  8. I saw that one too and had to laugh at some of the crazy stories!!

  9. Oooh! I like the sound of this! My stupid dvr deleted most of season 2 of Mad Men, Grrrrrr! So I'm behind!

  10. This should be a fun read for you. I had to stop m subscription to Shelf Awareness and I don't visit the site anymore. I have impulse and control issues.

  11. I'm hoping I get this one also!

  12. Thanks for posting this, Lenore. When are you gonna write your Adland memoirs?

  13. This looks great!

    Award for you here!

  14. Ooh, you need to share some of your crazy work stories with us!


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