Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (65) + Picture of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi is not about LT: Have you had an opportunity to check out the new Amazon Vine program? Have you signed up? Is this program something that interests you? How do you feel about the reviews posted on Amazon in general (not counting the ones that have made the news)?

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I did recently get an invite to join Amazon's Vine program. They must really be expanding the program since I am barely in the top 10,000 reviewers. I did sign up and picked 4 books so far, all of which I am excited about. They seem to have quite a nice selection. Of course, these have the drawback of requiring an immediate review if you want to keep getting stuff, so we'll have to see how much I end up taking advantage of it, considering my review pile has reached epic proportions.

I used to read a lot of Amazon reviews to make purchase decisions, but now I always go to GoodReads and/or LT first. I don't make a habit of posting my reviews on Amazon, but if the author or publisher asks me to, I certainly will.


I love this Emmy chicken legs pose!


  1. awe I love that pose. My dogs do it :)

  2. My dog Cookie lays like that all the time, we call it her Froggy Dog look.

  3. I'm in the Vine program, too and don't think I would have noticed the invitation if you hadn't told me where to look. I've gotten 2 books and I'm working on one of them now. Milou lays the same way sometimes.

  4. i love how the tail is nearly straight up in the air! Way to go emmy!

    I recently joined the Vine program too, and I signed up for 2 books. I don't want to overload myself. I think it will be interesting to see how this program works.

  5. No Vine for me...guess I am not "trustworthy" enough for the Evil Amazon to pick me.
    Or maybe it is that I keep calling them the Evil Amazon in posts...lol

    I have pretty much given up posting reviews on Amazon unless I am specifically asked too...and I prefer reading ones on LT.

  6. I rely upon LibraryThing for honest reviews, too. I've found myself holding too many books "recommended" by folks on Amazon only to wonder if we were even reading the same novel when they gave a book five stars! I just don't trust those reviews as much as those on LT, where people's motives seem a little more pure.

    I do post reviews on Amazon from time to time, but I tend to put up a whole batch of them at once -- for fifteen or twenty books -- rather than adding them as I read the books. It's mostly out of boredom than anything :) heh

  7. Is it seriously Tuesday already? I keep track of the days by this weekly post. You're more dependable than the bullet train.

  8. Such a cute kitty! My cat does the same thing :P


  9. Muffin and Cinnamon both lay like that. I wonder why? Anyway, Emmy is just too cute! How's Finn?

  10. your cat is so cute!

    I am interested in the Amazon Vine program...I think I'm going to have to add my reviews there when I review on my blog so they will ask ME to be part of the program.

    I do always go to Amazon when I'm looking for books, and I check out the reviews and summary. So this would be a good program for me! I'd better start posting my reviews!

  11. Great Emmy pic! I look at both Amazon and LT when reading reviews for books that I'm interested in.

  12. My dog Fritz does this all the time! It's so weird.

    The Vine program definitely sounds interesting. Maybe I'll be asked to be a part of it one day.

  13. I haven't heard about the Vine program, but then, I don't pay much attention to Amazon reviews b/c I usually don't know the people commenting. Without knowing other books they like, I have no idea if our tastes are similar.

  14. OMG Lenore, Buddy lays that exact same way. It's hilarious. Great pic!

  15. Adorable pic! My family used to have a cat that looked similar to Emmy, and he did that pose, typically collapsing a few inches from his food dish.

  16. Apparently this is typically a dog pose!

    I love the term froggy dog, Kelly!

    Kathy, if it wasn't for Alea, I wouldn't have noticed it either.

    Serena - I always seem to overload myself. Bad habit. Good thing they had a limit!!

    Caite - yep, they've been tracking you!

  17. Meg - I usually just forget to post at amazon. I sometimes like to read 1 star reviews there just for the sheer hilarity of it.

    PJ - LOL! As a freelance writer, I know how hard it is to keep track of the days of the week.

    Linda - Finn is a holy terror as usual!

    Mary - Start posting!

    Charley - I'm picturing that scene now and laughing :)

  18. My Ollie does a pose similar to that, but always on the arm of the couch. So, his fat spreads out all over and his legs spill down. I call it his "frog" pose. When he does it, I call him "TOAD."

    So cute!

  19. So cute! My dogs do that too. I don't think my cat ever has. :)

  20. Emmy is adorable, as always! My cat does that too, sometimes on his back! It's cute!

  21. What a cute cat. I also have a cat, but I had to leave her in Germany. I miss her so much.

  22. What a cute pose! My Murchie used to lie like that when he was a puppy, but I think his joints are a bit too stiff for it now.

  23. Emmy looks like she is cooling down her belly. She is an awfully cute cat!

  24. I LOVE the picture of Emmy! She's adorable...reminds me so much of our cats LOL ;)

    I haven't received an invitation to the Amazon Vine Program but I'm not concerned. I have so may books coming in all the time that I have not need of more.

    Thanks for sharing the picture of Emmy; it made me smile. :)


  25. Lenore,
    beautiful cat. Regarding typical dog/cat poses or other things. At the moment (and once before) we have a puppy and a kitten growing up together. The current pair are close in age, and when full grown, the cat will be about the size of the dog. They play and sleep together all the time. I've noticed the dog using his paws a lot like the kitten does and the kitten seems to be picking up some dog traits, like begging and playing like a puppy. They are quite a pair.

  26. Adorable picture, as always!

    I look at Amazon for general book info, but don't have an account and don't review there. I hope you enjoy the Vine program (can you branch out beyond books ... cameras, household items, etc.)

  27. I've heard about the Vine program but haven't posted any of my reviews on Amazon yet. I've thought of doing it but wonder how many reviews that you need to post before you'll get a Vine invite?


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