Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (68) + Picture of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi: Were you aware that you could edit the book details from the cover images under Your Library? Do you have a quick way you like to update books that are already in your library?

Usually, I edit books from the cover image on my home page since my homepage shows the last books I added and these are the ones I am usually editing (adding reviews and ratings). I don't often go back and edit the older books in my library, but next time I do, I'll be thankful for this tip.


Last week, we saw how Finn is making life hard for Emmy. Well now Emmy found a book she thinks might help her fight back...one that might make her an evil genius....


  1. I love the picture! I sat next to Josh Lieb's mother on my flight home from BEA!

  2. lol. Emmy would make an awesome evil genius.

  3. That's so cool Kathy! I bet you had an interesting conversation!

    Nymeth - She would. She would indeed.

  4. she is squinting...I think she needs glasses.

  5. Well at least it isn't the Sparkle cat book!

  6. Watch out, and make sure you stay on her good side...

  7. I don't know that book... but... I just know that Emmy will plan her revenge carefully and precisely!

  8. Ha!! She's getting all the cool tips so that she can take Finn down!!!

  9. Awww! Emmy's adorable. She might just take over the world one day. Also, I've nominated you for a blog award over here: http://feedyourimagination.blogspot.com/2009/08/so-many-awards-so-little-time.html


  10. Go Emmy go. Don't be too harsh on Finn though : )

  11. Fantastic picture! I can see Emmy scheming...

  12. I never get tired of your cute kitty!

  13. Adorable picture Lenore! :) You know, I had no idea that you could edit books from the covers showing on the home page!! Yeah!!

    Thanks, WEndi


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