Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (38) The Broken Teaglass by Emily Arsenault

Hey, fellow word nerds! This looks like something for us.

Summary from amazon:

The dusty files of a venerable dictionary publisher . . . a hidden cache of coded clues . . . a story written by a phantom author . . . an unsolved murder in a gritty urban park–all collide memorably in Emily Arsenault’s magnificent debut, at once a teasing literary puzzle, an ingenious suspense novel, and an exploration of definitions: of words, of who we are, and of the stories we choose to define us.

Charged with wit and intelligence, set against a sweetly cautious love story, The Broken Teaglass is a tale that will delight lovers of words, lovers of mysteries, and fans of smart, funny, brilliantly inventive fiction.

It's coming out on September 29th and will definitely be on my Christmas wishlist. I first saw this over at Bibliophile by the Sea, so thanks for the great tip Diane!

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.


Mary (Bookfan) said...

I'm a word-lover and will be watching for this book! Great pick!

Anna Claire said...

Sounds right up my alley. Thanks for the heads-up!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good read. Adding it to my list...

Jackie said...

Thanks for the tip! Sounds like a great book. I've added it to my TBR list.

Melanie said...

This book sounds great. I love the cover. It captures my attention.

Marie said...

I really like the title of this book!

Lizzy said...

Sounds like an interesting read, I'll have to check it out!

Anonymous said...

I love that cover! And the description you gave isn't bad, either. *Adding to wishlist*

bermudaonion said...

Ooh, that sounds really good!

Pixie said...

Interesting. I will be adding that to my list.

here's mine

Jazz said...

This sounds so good! I am picky about which words to use to express myself since words considered synonymous can actually have very different connotations. Can't wait! And it comes out the day after my birthday. :D

Krista said...

Sounds really good!

Here's mine;

Pam said...

Ok the synopsis sounds great...blah blah blah... but oh my goodness, look at the cover! I usually don't judge by the front of a book but that's totally to die for. :)

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Sounds like it could be really good! Great choice for this week Lenore =)

Anonymous said...

OHHHH that sounds goooood. And it comes out on my birthday! HHHmmmm birthday present???

zibilee said...

Looks like it would be perfect for me, thanks for posting this!

Staci said...

This word nerd is in on this one!!!

Ali said...

Totally OT: Whoah, suddenly Bloglines likes you again! 37 unread messages in my reader (luckily I've already read most of them). Glad to see the problem is fixed.

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Leonre...I just got so excited again about this book, when I saw you profiled it too. It looks so good. (We'll have to compare notes)..LOL

The Mapless Traveler said...

This book sounds excellent. Thanks to your blog, I have learned about all sorts of great books I otherwise would not have heard of. Keep up the great work and wonderful reviews and author interviews!

Belle said...

This sounds so interesting! I'll definitely have to keep my eye out for it next month. Coded clues, phantom authors, unsolved murders ... enticing!