Thursday, September 10, 2009

Book Review: Wanderlust by Lucy Silag

WANDERLUST picks up where BEAUTIFUL AMERICANS (my review) left off – at Christmas break. Our 4 narrators, spoiled rich girl Alex, ballerina Olivia, recently uncloseted Zack and troubled PJ all set off on adventures away from their exchange program and away from Paris.

Despite a 10 month reading gap between books, it was easy for me to slip back into the rhythms of the characters and their complicated relationships. The drama has been upped a notch thanks to the “PJ in trouble” storyline, yet somehow everyone comes off as more relatable than in the first installment. I even started to warm up to Alex who completely grated on my nerves in book one. It’s probably because set free from the confines of a school environment, Author Silag gets to explore the characters’ personalities in more extreme situations and environments which definitely added to my enjoyment.

WANDERLUST doesn’t come out until just before Christmas, but if you’ve read and enjoyed BEAUTIFUL AMERICANS, you’ll want to put in on your wish list now. And if you haven't started the planned trilogy yet, there is still time to get caught up. Book three is due out sometime next year, by the way.

Find out more about the book on GoodReads (contains spoilers if you haven’t read book one) or read about the author’s own experiences in France on her blog.


  1. This series looks amazing! I think I'll go pick up Beautiful Americans this weekend. I'm actually going abroad to Paris this winter, this series makes me excited to do so!

  2. Have fun Emilee! Paris is a great place to hang out.

  3. What a gorgeous cover!

    And an intriguing sounding series!

  4. This series is new to me, but I have a young friend who went to France twice in high school and then for a semester abroad in college. I'll have to look into these books and recommend them for her, too.

  5. Thanks, Lenore, for the awesome review!
    I am soooooooooooo excited about WANDERLUST, I had a BLAST writing it in Paris and I hope people will like it when it comes out in December.

    Thanks for the blog shoutout, too!


  6. I just got Beautiful Americans a few weeks ago. Really excited about reading it as well as the sequel ^^

  7. I like the idea of reading about their Christmas break during Dhristmas time. I may have to check out Beautiful Americans soon to get caught up.

  8. Just finished Wanderlust and it is even better than Beautiful Americans; these characters seem as real to me as my friends (and a lot more adventurous!). Loved it--and can't wait for #3

  9. I love the title. It's engaging in itself. The book sounds interesting too.

  10. It looks good! I have heard so little about this series it got completely out of my mind. I added the first one on my TBR list after reading your review! :)

  11. I literally just put down Beautiful Americans an it had to be one of the BEST and most Beautifuly written books i have EVER read! Even though I'm just a junior in high svhool, trust me I read a lot. I am putting Wanderlust on hold right now!


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