Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (72) + Video of Emmy (giving Finn a bath)

Today's question from Wendi based on an idea from Caite: Have you explored/used the Wishlist collection on Library Thing yet? If so, have you found it helpful? Do you have any other tips or uses for the Wishlist collection?

This is the first I'm hearing about it, and I have so say, I am VERY excited about it. I love the fact that you can keep your wishlist separate from your main library and that you can make private comments about who recommended the book to you. I am definitely going to be using this feature in the future. The last book I wanted to add to my wishlist was Lucy Christopher's STOLEN, and I have to admit, I've already forgotten whose review it was that sold me. BAD!


And now for the Emmy and Finn show... Check out how Emmy holds Finn down while she bathes him. Hilar!


  1. I can't figure out where's Finn's face xD but awhhhhhhhh

  2. I'm excited about the wish list too! It looks like Emmy's got Finn in a headlock!

  3. Ha, Emmy's got him in a headlock! They are too cute. I love your pictures of them.

  4. I love your cats! I want to steal them both! :)

  5. I'm so glad that Emmy has taken to Finn well enough that she bathes him - whether he likes it or not!

  6. That definitely looks like a headlock to me!

    I really should get back into using Library Thing - the wish list sounds good.

  7. Finn is loving every minute of it!!! My mama cat did this with her babies even when they were 5 months old!!

  8. I love kitties! Great video!

  9. Ha! "YOU WILL BE BATHED." He doesn't look too upset about it, even when Emmy chews on his ear!

  10. every week I come closer to thinking I should get a cat...

    As to Library Thing, I am already sold on using the wishlist. I have great hopes for using it...the secret comment part sold me. I do like to keep track of where I heard of a book. Not that I have up to now, but like I said, I have great hopes!!

  11. Too cute!

    I don't have LT; I have Goodreads.

  12. I loved Stolen!! I can't wait to hear what you'll think of it. ;)

    Your cats are so adorable!

  13. this reminds me of Muffin & Abby! I'll have to post their "lovin' licks" sometime! Tee hee!

  14. Kitty love!!!!! My husband is allergic, so I can't have them anymore. I have doggies, but they do still share some doggie love!!

  15. My wishlist is in a Google Docs spreadsheet right now and is soooo out of date with books I don't really want to read anymore. I keep meaning to move it to LT and/or Goodreads but...too much work! Anyway, I'm off to check out the wishlist feature...thanks for the heads up!

  16. AWWW! She really likes that ear doesn't she?

  17. LOL, Lenore...that's awesome! Finn looks like he ultimately just gave up trying to get away :)

  18. So glad you liked last week's Thinger! I have the worst time remembering all the great books I read about and want to add to my wishlist - now I just need to get used to logging into LT prior to visiting all the great bookish sites so I can add books as I go. :)

    Great video - you are so talented!! So is Emmy ;)

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week in honor of Banned Books Week. ~ Wendi

  19. :D omiiigooodness! that is the cutest video evar!


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