Monday, September 21, 2009

Where my last 20 reviewed books came from (2)

It's that time again! Another 20 books have been reviewed, and this is where I got them:

Things Are Gonna Get Ugly by Hillary Homzie - provided by author after I accepted review query
Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch - bought after seeing it in publisher newsletter
Dreaming Anastasia by Joy Preble - provided by publisher for book tour
Wanderlust by Lucy Silag - provided by publisher by request (sequel to book I reviewed last year)
The Stolen One by Suzanne Crowley - offered by author after she saw that I lost my bid in the Bridget Zinn auction
Everything Sucks by Hannah Friedman - provided by publisher for book tour
The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner - borrowed from friend
The Glassblower of Murano by Marina Fiorato - won from Library Thing's ER program
The Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda - picked up at BEA
Hate List by Jennifer Brown - picked up during my Hachette tour
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink - picked up at author signing (signed!)
The Sinful Life of Lucy Burns by Elizabeth Leiknes - provided by publisher after I accepted review query
Exclusively Chloe by J.A. Yang - provided by publisher after I accepted author's review query
Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted - provided by publisher by request
The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams - provided by publisher after I accepted review query
Starfinder by John Marco - provided by author after I accepted review query
Lipstick Apology by Jennifer Jabaley - provided by publisher by request
Midwives by Chris Bohjalian - borrowed from library for my book club
An Off Year by Claire Zulkey - provided by publisher after I accepted author's review query
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater - picked up at BEA (signed!)

This review period was very ARC heavy in an attempt to whittle down my review pile. Next review period I hope to have a better balance between bought books and ARCs. Let's see!

Where do most of your reviewed books come from?

See also my post about the sources of my previous 20 reviewed books.


  1. Ohh, great post! I may have to start doing this once I'm home - if you don't mind! It's interesting to see where books came from!

  2. This is a great idea. I have wanted to show where I get my books from (a combination of ARCs, library books and books that I buy), but didn't want to make a fuss by including the info in each review.

    I might borrow this summary idea as well. :-)

  3. Great post! I participated last time and posted about my current reviews at the time...I think there were like 12. I'll have to post again, although most, if not all, of my books have been review copies...ahhh..haven't had time for my own books lately :(

    I'll post mine up this week!

  4. Very cool idea to do this every few months. I will likely take your lead.

  5. This really is an awesome idea! Looks like everyone's going to be stealing. I'll give you credit in my blog - no worries!

  6. Hey all! Glad you think it's a great idea -- I got it from Marie at the Boston Bibliophile myself so go ahead and borrow :)

  7. Great idea! I am lusting after most of your books...lucky you!

  8. Oh, this is a neat idea; how interesting!

    My reviewed books so far are books i bought, or books that were lent or gifted to my by friends. I've just started receiving review requests from authors, which is pretty exciting.

    Maybe once I have actually reviewed 20 books, I will borrow this idea, too!

  9. I think my review books are a decent mix of ARCs and books I bought. Of the last few books I reviewed, one was from BEA, one was from Amazon Vine, one was requested from the publisher on NetGalley, and 3 were purchased. So about 50-50 there.

  10. This is so interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  11. My review books come way of the store, mostly.

    But I do not bring the industry that you bring to us, and I so admire all you get done.

  12. This is a really cool post idea! It would be fun if more bloggers started doing this & could display a % for each category somewhere on their blog that they update regularly, y'know?

    Or maybe I'm just a numbers geek. :)


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