Thursday, October 8, 2009

German Translations in the Wild (3)

Today I have some adult titles for your viewing pleasure.

Thrillers (have actually read all of these - yay!)
DOWN RIVER by John Hart (German title THE DARK RIVER)
IN THE WOODS by Tana French (German title THE GREEN FOUND ON GRAVES)
THE LIKENESS by Tana French (German title DEATH-LIKE)

Urban Fantasy
ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE by Jeaniene Frost (German title KISS OF THE NIGHT)
DEAD UNTIL DARK By Charlaine Harris (German title TEMPORARILY DEAD)
LOST IN A GOOD BOOK by Jasper Fforde (German title IN ANOTHER BOOK)
EVERNIGHT by Claudia Gray (same title) Note: Marketed to adults in Germany.

Popular fiction
POPE JOAN by Donna Woolfolk Cross (German title THE FEMALE POPE)
THE BOOK THIEF by Marcus Zusak (same title) Note: This is the cover marketed for adults.
THE TIME TRAVELERS WIFE by Audrey Niffenegger (same title)


  1. I love it when you compare these. The German titles are usually funnier or scarier when they are different. The Green Found on The Graves is both.

  2. It's great fun to see the different covers and titles :) Maybe I ought to try and do the same with the books being translated into Norwegian.

    It's also great to get to freshen up the little German I learned during my school years :)

    I love the title Kuss der Nacht!

  3. It's so good we have a chance to look at these. The cover for ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE is really really pretty.

  4. I think the Time Traveler's Wife cover seems rather uninspiring, kind of like the US cover for Her Fearful Symmetry. I love the Book Thief cover though. So morbidly nice!

  5. I'm enjoying viewing the foreign covers! :)

  6. Love this post!

    Not loving the DEAD UNTIL DARK By Charlaine Harris (German title TEMPORARILY DEAD) cover. Eww.


    Keep them coming!

  7. Very col!
    I especially like the Markus Zusack cover. :-)
    They're pretty much all really pretty, though.

  8. Oh, how I love, love those posts! I love to see the covers, but also to see the titles' translations.

  9. Die Bucherdieben ist sehr gut!

  10. do you speak and read German fluently by any chance?

  11. I take it that True Blood is airing there as well, based on the Dead Until Dark cover.

  12. I love this post! It's interesting to see the title comparison between the two languages. Some of my favorite books are in the list!

  13. I love seeing the variations of titles.

  14. interesting that Evernight by claudia gray is marketed to adults over there...really nice cover too

  15. Love the Charlaine Harris cover. These are all really neat though :)

  16. I really like the TTW cover suprisingly, but still prefer the UK cover. Plus, the German Evernight cover is so much nicer than the UK one. I love these posts, keep em coming : )

  17. The differing covers and titles are really interesting to see. I think I rather prefer the English titles, but the German covers. I really like this feature. Are you planning on doing more of these?

  18. These covers are so appealing to me, but I wonder if it's because they are new - maybe I get so used to the North American ones that any version would be a welcome sight.

  19. Hi~!
    Do you intend to got to this year's Frankfurt book fair? I'm going on the weekend. Got any tips how I get some ARCs?


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