Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (75) + Picture of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi: Do you read ebooks? Have you used Library Thing to record ebooks in your book shelves? Whether you do or don't currently read ebooks, if you read one, will you be including it in your book shelves, and will you tag it as an ebook?

I have not read a single ebook as of yet, and until I someday get a Kindle or other ereader, I probably won't. I guess if I ever do read an ebook, I will probably tag it as such on LT.


The kittehs love when we run the dishwasher so that they can do kitteh sauna when the cycle is up:


  1. Oh my goodness - that is so cute! Isn't it funny what our pets like to do!

  2. Emmy and Finn are so cute! I'm so impressed that you have a dishwasher - they were practically unheard of when we lived in France.

  3. What an adorable picture!

    I haven't started with Library Thing yet. But I'm a serious devotee of Kindle. I have a hundred ebooks on it so far. And if I could have all my books on it I would. For me, it's wonderful!

  4. My cats like to climb into the dishwasher when I leave it open while I am loading dishes. I always have to check it before I turn it on!

  5. Awesome picture!

    I love my Kindle. I read ebooks all the time on it. :)

  6. Oh wow, that is so adorable! They look so comfy and happy (but then, cats look comfy almost anywhere!)

  7. That is just an amazing image! They are so totally relaxed. And adorable, of course.

  8. that is the cutest picture evar!

  9. Another great pic of Emmy & Finn. Cats are just SO fun!

    I have read one e-book, but didn't like reading that way. I want a real book in my hands!

  10. Oh my, that is so cute. I just bet they love that warm, fuzzy feeling from the dishwasher.

  11. I'm trying to shield my computer screen from prying feline eyes. I don't want them to get any ideas!

  12. I'm too used to real books for eBooks. I just love the feel of real books! And the smell!

  13. Kitties are so cute!

  14. another great kitty pic!
    re: ereaders, me neither. i got an LT early reviewer in electronic form once and i procrastinated so long that i just bought a copy and reviewed that. i tried to read the e-format and just couldn't stand it. and i just like paper. :-)

  15. I have never read an ebook either. I am on the fence about whether or not I should get a kindle right now. I just not sure if I am ready to go beyond paper books yet. Are you thinking of making the switch? And the kitties are adorable today.

  16. Now that is a great place for the cats to sleep! lol

  17. I always look forward to your kitty pics. They're so adorable! :)

  18. Wow...that is a great way to wash your cats! Why didn't I think of that when I had a cat...lol

    Not a huge fan of the e-book either.

  19. That's so flipping adorable! It's like our cat, who can't wait for you to get home from a long drive...so she can sleep on the hood of the car! Great photo!

  20. So cute :) I don't think our cats have ever thought of that!

  21. So cute!

    My former cats used to like sitting on my CRT monitor when it was switched on.

  22. That is the cutest thing ever. I just want to shower your cats with kisses!

  23. If I can manage to get myself past those scrumptious kittens!...

    I traveled to Honolulu.
    Caught a man on the plane who let me touch his Kimble!

    ..and then a lady by the pool who let have a further fondle of her bigger Kimble!

    No glare, the color of the off white page images back to paper back print. We can "flip" the page from the corner, and make the type larger but, there is no light...just like a real life book.

    I want a Kimble!
    ...but only for novels and such, not for higher minded spiritual guides that I feel the need to graffiti in order to track my own thought process.

  24. I think they are trying to tell you they need a bath! LOL

  25. Lol, way too wet for my cat. She stays well away from the dishwasher!

  26. Kitteh sauna!! That's brilliant :)

    It freaks me out a bit, but my cat sits on the counter in the steam while the dishwasher is in the drying cycle. So far it doesn't seem to hurt her, but she does end up with really pooofy fur!


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