Saturday, October 24, 2009

Read-a-thon Progress - 250 comments left so far!

Yep, you heard me right - I've been all over creation leaving little comments of readathon cheer. I've learned a few things along the way:

1. Many people do not know how to use Mr. Linky properly - Seriously?
2. I REALLY hate word verification (I hated it before, but even more so now)
3. There are a ton of books being read right now! Some people are up to 13!
4. It takes a long time to leave 250 comments - whew!
5. Readathon is a great event and the organizers are really on top of things!!

Going to take a break now to read some more. But I will be back. After all, I still have 250 more comments to leave ;)


  1. WOW! Go Lenore! That is some serious commenting even with all those obstacles lol

  2. Congratulations on leaving so many comments!

    How do you know that you have left so many comments? Do you count them yourself? The only reason I ask is that I would love to know how many I leave in a day without having to note it down!

    Keep up the good work!

  3. HOLY WOW ! You've left 250 comments? I'd run out of things to say.

  4. I believe 2 of those comments were left on my blog...thank you so much!!! Hope you get to do some reading today, too. :o)


  5. Yan - I know right? I think that's more than I've left in the past 2 months!

    FLB - I am keeping a little tally with pen and paper.

    Erica - It is amazing how many blogs are out there and reading through the post usually gives me an idea of what to say!

  6. Christy - Going to read now in fact :)

    Trish - Thanks for your support!

  7. That is quite impressive!! Hope you're enjoying it, too.

  8. Yay go Lenore! I think we need to cheerlead for you too!

  9. you are a commenting fool :) --- and we all love you for it! Thanks for being such a source of encouragement.

  10. I'm impressed! You're an amazing cheerleader. I'm glad you are also reading, though! Thank you for stopping by to leave comments on my blog. =)

  11. I'm sad to hear that there isn't a magic way to do it, but keep up the great cheerleading!

  12. Woot! Congrats! I'm planning on cheerleading somemore after getting some much needed schoolwork done. Go you! =)

  13. Great job so far!
    leaving comments is nice, and I also hate word verification.

  14. Good heavens, woman! I'm super impressed. Keep up the great commenting and get some more reading in there, too!

  15. I agree...word verification is the pits!

  16. Thank you for your comment! Hope you're having a good time.

  17. WOW! I am in awe of you! People don't realize how long it takes when you do massive comments like that.. which is why I have a hard time with it personally! ha! those just a second comments can take hours!

    what a fantastic thing for you to do though! wish i could have been able to participate!

    like i said... i am in awe! you go!

  18. Good luck!

    And who doesn't hate word verification?

    I just wish the read-a-thon hadn't been the same day as the Austin Teen Book Festival.

  19. Wow--13 books is a lot! And thanks for taking the time to comment :)

  20. I hate word verifications too! And sometimes I'll leave a comment and it won't appear on the blog entry no matter how much I try. I suspect I'll get a lot of duplicated comments on several blogs, lol.

    Glad you're having so much fun! Hope to see you during the night, too!

  21. Thanks for commenting on mine as well! I just started on my second novel a few minutes ago and I wish you good luck on yours as well! I definitely felt encouranged by your comment :)

  22. Wow, that's fantastic! That's really great of you to visit so many!

    Someone is up to 13 books? How is that possible? Well, good for them!

    Word verification would get to be a real drag after so many comments. Thank you for persevering!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  23. Thanks for leaving a comment for me :-). Cheerleaders keep this Readathon thing going!

  24. It really amazes me that no matter how big of instructions you put for how to use mr linky, people still won't get it. and they won't ask for help either.

    thanks for all your comments!!!

  25. Thank you so much for stopping by to cheer me on! Happy reading. :)

  26. 250 comments? Wow! Way to go! You're the queen of cheerleaders! :)

  27. I have never been able to keep track of my comments. WOW! Thank you very much for the ones you left for me! :) Happy RaT!

  28. Lenore, you're amazing! You're being great as a cheerleader and I'm sure that the readathoner readers really appreciate it! :D

  29. Wow, good idea to keep track of the number of comments you left. Being a cheerleader is a lot more work than I thought it would be. I have no idea how many comments I've left today, but yeah, it's probably close to 250.

    I totally agree with #1 of your list. and #2. Actually, all of them :)

    Great job at being such a fantastic Cheerleader. I'm hanging up my pom poms and going to bed.

  30. You are awesome Lenore! I hope you are reading too! I think a lot of people just hopped on w. no intention of participating.

  31. I'm so impressed with all the commenting you've been doing!

  32. You're so right about word verification! Grrr! But are a rockstar! We're not worthy!!!

  33. Just because I appreciate your commenting for the read-a-thon so much, I will remove the verification words from all my blogs... Thanks!


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.