Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (78) + Picture of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi concerns the LibraryThing Buzz page: Were you aware that Library Thing had a Buzz page? Were you surprised by anything you saw or read on the Buzz page?

Nope! Yet another thing about LibraryThing I wasn't aware of. There are so many fun features to play around with over there, that I have to limit my exposure or be so sucked in that I never do anything else. I skimmed through and saw a few names I recognized, but I didn't read it all. Perhaps I should plot a way to be included as well... Composing a laudatory tweet might be the fastest way to LT Buzz glory....


The cold front arrived later this year, but it seems to have settled in for good now. And that means it's heater time for the kittehs:


  1. The Buzz page is new to me too, but I don't have much time to spend on LT right now. It didn't take Finn long to learn about the heater!

  2. LT deserves a lot of Buzz...and that Buzz page has a ton. Including a quote from me! lol

    A warm kitty is a happy kitty.

  3. Emmy and Finn are so cute. I hope they're warm enough ^^

  4. too cute! Those kitties are adorable.

  5. It's new to me too. I don't spend much time looking round LT.

    Kittens look happy there!

  6. Awww! Those kittehs would have to move over for me to sit on the heater. lol

  7. I wasn't aware of the Buzz page on LT. I must admit that I don't utilize that site nearly enough. I do have a resolution to look at these sites more in 2010 and do more blogging of my own too!

  8. Mine have already started enjoying the heater too :D

  9. You know, from the back, Emmy looks a lot like my cat Anabella. I think it's so cute to see them gathered around the heater like that!

  10. I never knew about the Buzz page either! I really wish I had more time to dive into some of these neat places!

    Your babies are Beautiful!!

  11. I'm not very familiar with Library Thing. I'm not a cold weather fan either. I like to be warm so the kitties would have to fight me for that spot!

  12. I'm seriously addcted to the weekly fix of Emily&Finn pictures.

    My mum always says that if our cat had been female, she would've called her Emily. But my dad brought home a tomcat - Brutus :)

  13. We don't have a heater like that but I put off a lot of body heat when I'm sleeping so the past few nights when it's been cold my cat has been under the covers cuddled up next to me when I wake up in the morning lol.

  14. We've had a couple of fires in the fireplace lately and my babies get as close as they can to the heat. It makes me nervous!

    I've never checked out Library Thing Buzz. I suppose I need to go check it out. :)


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