Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (80) + Picture of Emmy

Still in Kenya, but I couldn't let you go a week without Emmy and Finn.

This one I like to call - "well, I didn't want to work today anyway."



  1. I hope you're having a fabulous time in Kenya! Your babies are so cute taking over the office like that!

  2. Lenore, I love your Emmy & Finn pics! The two look so dignified :-)
    By the way, I saw your Frankfurt Book Fair posts and I realized some of the names you mentioned. Is it possible we met there for a few hours on Sunday?

  3. hmm....cats again? ;-)

    you must, when you get a chance, check out this weeks Library Thing feature...it is a winner.

  4. So are the kitties running the house while you're gone!!???

  5. They are just keeping your place warm for you!

  6. Too cute! I just love them!

  7. That's nice of them to make sure you'll take time to relax! ;) Always cute those two!

  8. that looks awfully familiar. Abby & Muffin both like to sit in my chair and on my desk! Hope you're having fun in Kenya! Can't wait to see you and Daniel at Christmas...

  9. Oh, how cute! What characters those two are!

  10. The kitties are adorable! They make me squee every time.

  11. "We're comfortables, find somewhere else to sit" lol. Very cute!

  12. Awwww. Your cats are adorable. :)


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