Friday, December 18, 2009

Book Review: Dork Diaries by Rachel R. Russell

Nikki's the new girl at an exclusive middle school, and instead of getting a super-cool cell phone that will help her get in with the popular girls, headed by snotty MacKenzie, she gets a diary to write down all the shame that comes with being the new girl at at an exclusive school with no cell phone.

I have to admit, I nearly abandoned this a few times in the early chapters because I am sooo not the target group for lamentations about not having the hottest cell phone. But I am glad I stuck with it, because there is a very sweet story arc and some hilarious scenes (the scene with Nikki's sister at MacKenzie's house and her fear of the tooth fairy is worthy of inclusion in a future *fantasy* season of the classic tv comedy Arrested Development, it is THAT absurdly ROTFL funny).

DORK DIARIES is available in paperback. Find out more about it and watch a book trailer at the publisher's website.


  1. I think this looks like a fun series for kids, but I am even more not the target audience than you are, so I think I'll skip it.

  2. Yeah, I'm not in that target myself. But it sounds cute!

  3. My 10 year old daughter read this book several months back. She enjoyed the book immensely. She is looking forward to the next Dork Diary book.
    I thought the book was cute. I liked the drawings on each page as did my daughter.

  4. This cover is unique and so cute. To funny~

  5. My daughter loved this book, and she read parts of it out loud and it seemed very funny. Actually, Serena got so into it, she was reading it out loud in a valley girl voice. It was hilarious.

    I actually borrowed the book from my daughter, and I hope to give it a try, too.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  6. Maybe not for me, but I want to hear the Serena audio book version of it!

  7. Since I put this book on the shelves at school it has been checked out ever since!!!


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