Monday, December 21, 2009

Book Review: The Naughty List by Suzanne Young

Head cheerleader Tessa is also the head of a super-secret organization - the Society of Smitten Kittens - that investigates boys possibly cheating on their girlfriends. Tessa knows her own boyfriend Aiden would never cheat though... or would he?

The Naughty List is a very cute book. Perhaps a bit TOO cute (for my taste anyway). Tessa is perky, positive, and very sweet - so sweet she won't let anyone swear around her and uses the names of baked goods for her own exclamations.

The plot is inventive enough to keep you guessing and although it feels kinda fluffy and very teen (as in, not a YA title that is ripe for a crossover adult audience), it does touch on more serious topics such as the importance of trust and communication in relationships.

THE NAUGHTY LIST comes out on Feb 4th with the second book, SO MANY BOYS, due in June 2010 and the third book, A GOOD BOY IS HARD TO FIND, set for October 2010. Find out more about this fun new series at the author's blog.


  1. Yeah, that sounds a little too cute for me, too - Smitten Kittens just doesn't work for me.

  2. She uses the names of baked goods as exclamations? As in, "Holy canolis! Or My god...iva chocolates!" xD.

  3. I appreciate the honesty of yourr review. Though I'm still dying to read this one:)

  4. Probably not my cup of tea but I know some young pre-teen girls that would enjoy it!

  5. Well at least they don't keep you in suspense for very long. I wish some other series came out so quickly!

  6. I'm sure that this is way too cute for me but I know just the age group that would enjoy it!

  7. Nice review! I'm not a huge fan of too cute books myself, but I still love The Naughty List's premise so I'm definitely going to check it out. And, wow, this series is coming out fast!!

  8. I'm just curious about the baked good exclamations now. Possibly because I was in a skit that involved the line "Why will no one buy my baked goods?" being shouted to the heavens.

  9. Glad to see you finished it. ;) Hope you're reading something more to your taste now. :)

  10. i feel the same way-it does feel fluffy, but deliciously so ;-D Not superficial fluff, but sill fluff. If that makes sense.

  11. Sounds sugary sweet but maybe a still good story for tweens. I'm not too crazy about the cover though.


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