Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 in Review: Movies and TV

Even though I don't usually blog about movies or tv, I do like my year end list summaries.

Green = Favorites of the year
Blue = Guilty pleasures
Red = Why did I watch this?!

Movies I saw in 2009 that were released in 2009
(in order of box office gross)

The Hangover (plane)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Proposal (plane)
Taken (plane)
Terminator Salvation (DVD)
Inglorious Basterds
Watchmen (DVD)
Public Enemies
I Love You, Man (plane)
17 Again (plane)
The Time Traveler’s Wife
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (plane)
Funny People (plane)
My Sister’s Keeper (plane)
State of Play (plane)
500 Days of Summer
The International
The Road
The Brothers Bloom (on demand)

Total of 24 (one more than last year)

Notable movies I saw in 2009 that were made before 2009

Battle Royale (DVD)
Slumdog Millionaire (DVD)
The Reader
Revolutionary Road (DVD)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Spielzeugland (Short Film Oscar Winner 2009) (TV)

2009 movies I’d still like to see

An Education
Bright Star
Whip it!

TV series I watched in 2009 (Most on DVD)

24 – Season 7
Battlestar Galactica – Complete Series (4 Seasons)
Dexter – Seasons 2 + 3
Dollhouse – Season 1
Germany’s Next Top Model – Season 4
Lost – Season 5
Mad Men – Seasons 1 + 2
Planet Earth – Complete Series
Pushing Daisies – Season 1
True Blood – Season 1

How was YOUR year in movies and TV?


  1. I chuckled over I Love You, Man being one of your guilty-pleasure movies. I enjoyed that one MUCH more than I thought I would.

    I received season 1 of Mad Men on DVD for Christmas and am really looking forward to getting started on that series! And I thought Lost had a great 5th season. I'm anxious to see how they end it, and sad that they WILL end it this year.

  2. Dexter is one of my favorites, too. I resisted watching it because the premise is so disturbing, but it only took two episodes to get me hooked. I never in a million years expected that. :)

  3. This was a good year for us because we finally got to go to theaters (and stay for the whole movie) with Z. Of course that meant we saw kid movies (Coraline, Monsters vs. Aliens and Up) except for one late night with a grandma in town (Star Trek) but it's fun to start seeing movies through kid eyes.

    If I look back at our Netflix shipping list for the year, my only five star choices were episodes of Foyle's War. There were a decent number of 4 star ones but I hope to find a movie that I love next year!

  4. Florinda - I thought I Love You, Man was a lot of fun. Glad you enjoyed it too!

    I am about to download Mad Men Season 3 from iTunes, and I can't wait for LOST Season 6 to start!

    Tabitha - The first part of episode 1 of Dexter almost made it turn it off and give up. But glad I stuck with it!

    Kristen M - Oh yeah...I do want to see Coraline too. Thanks for reminding me!

  5. I have got to get Dexter on DVD. I still haven't watched it yet.

    Happy New Year!

  6. :O You didn't like Benjamin Button?! Man that sucks, I loved that movie!


  7. I really enjoyed this post Lenore!! I really like I Love You, Man....and enjoyed seeing what your "guilty pleasures" were!

  8. Great post, Lenore! I'm still wanting to see Whip It, too...I'm definitely Netflixing it! (:

  9. Nice list! Dexter and Up are on my best of 2009 list. I also really want to watch 500 Days of Summer. It looks fantastic!

  10. I kept track of the movies I saw this past year, something I hadn't done before. I need to work a little more on the organization of it all, but it's a start.

    You saw an amazing amount of movies this past year.

    My husband and I watch television shows on DVD too but I haven't really kept track. That might be something to consider for this year.

  11. Rear Window is the best movie I saw this year.

  12. Oh, so you two finally saw Battle Royale, eh? I'm sure Daniel loved it, but wasn't sure how you'd like it! Glad my recommendation was right! I've heard lots of negatives about the sequel though.

  13. I also watched all of 24 this year, and most of Battlestar Galactica (I have a few disks left). And Lost, of course. I'm considering watching True Blood, too, but I'm working my way through the books first. Contemplating Mad Men, too, but haven't made it, yet.

    Thinking of watching 500 Days of Summer this weekend... And I adored Up. Also Harry Potter 6.

    Nice to know (if not surprising) that kindred reading-ship extends to books and movies, too.


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