Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Fabulous! (18)

Wow - I haven't done one of these since the end of October.

Here's what I am excited about this week:

1. Daniel's book IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? isn't due until June, but it already got its' first review over at Laura's Review Bookshelf! YAY!

2. So if you read my post yesterday, you know I took part in yesterday's big Unsung YA blitz along with over 40 other bloggers. I hit all the blogs that posted their link at YAnnabe and added the following books to my wishlist:

A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass
Downsiders by Neal Shusterman
Feeling Sorry for Celia by Jaclyn Moriarty
Swan Sister: Fairy Tales Retold
Mistik Lake by Martha Brooks
Schooled by Gordon Korman
Cures for Heartbreak by Margo Rabb

By the way, if you haven't posted a list yet, there is still time! Kelly is taking noms through the weekend before she announces her master list!

3. After the success of her 100 Top Picture Books poll, Elizabeth Bird at Fuse 8 is now taking our nominations for 100 Top Chapter Books (a.k.a. middle grade). Send in your top 10 by January 31st. I am still perfecting my list and will send it in shortly.

4. Sheri at Novel Menagerie is having her 2nd annual My Beautiful Baby Contest where we can all showcase our adorable pets. Still looking for the cutest picture of Emmy and Finn to submit. Submit a picture of your pet(s) by January 31st. There are prizes!

5. Last Friday, Beth Kephart revealed the cover of Dangerous Neighbors coming in August from Egmont. Gotta have it!

6. I registered for BEA this week! Still need to buy a plane ticket to NYC and all that jazz, but I am getting super excited for the end of May. Will also attend Book Blogger Con on the 28th (Trish promised I could sit next to her!) and the 2nd Annual Teen Author Carnival on the 24th (Authors can register to present at the event here).

So, how about you?!


  1. I'm excited about Daniel's book too! I have a couple of kids in mind to buy copies for.

  2. SO thrilled for Daniel! I know you'll be letting us know when/where we can buy this come June, right?! I want to get a copy for my best friend - her son starts pre-K this year. :)

  3. My youngest son is going to be heading to Kindergarten next year, so I'll have to keep an eye out for the Buffalo book.

  4. What a great review for Daniel!! That drawing is fantastic! I can't wait to see the rest of them!

    I'm jealous you're going to BEA. I'll have to do that one of these years!

  5. Thanks for mentioning the contest. I can't wait to post it!

  6. That is so awesome about Daniel's book..I'm heading over to read the review right now!

  7. don't want to sit next to me? :)

    I'm so glad you registered and I hope you really do come.

  8. Yay about Daniel's book! So exciting! And the book looks adorable.

    I added a lot of books to my list of YA books-to-read this week, too. What a fun event Kelly came up with.

  9. YAY!! I'm so excited you're going to be there and I can meet you :)

    I'm planning on the Teen Author Carnival as well (at the moment anyway) I'm hoping to see some additional details on it soon.

  10. Schooled is great fun. Korman so rarely goes wrong!


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