Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday (88) = Picture of Emmy

Let's check in with Emmy and Finn...

...looks like they are playing on the shelves again!


  1. They are sooo adorable!!! I always wanted a cat when I was younger, but my mum has the biggest phobia, so my dreams were dashed!!

  2. Poor you! Wishing you a cat-filled future :)

  3. I miss when my cats were young and spry enough to do things like this! Now they are almost seven and very fat and lazy. :)

  4. How did Emmy get to top shelf, and is there suppose to be food in those shelves? They are too cute.


  5. Finn is getting so big! It's a unamious vote here, all of us are in love with your kitties :-)

  6. I love Emmy updates. Those crazy kids :)

  7. How nice that your kitties have those free shelves to play on! My girls are very envious!

  8. They must be great jumpers! They're adorable!

  9. Your cats are adorable! I wish I could have cats too, but my doggies would literally eat them up and Mum has a phobia of cats rubbing against her legs - weird, I know - so I'm in the same predicament as LovesSam. No cats for me. :'(

  10. They're chasing each other!! How cute : D

  11. Heehee, it looks like Emmy might have an attack planned from up there!

  12. That's a great picture. It always amazes me where cats can manage to get to.


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