Monday, March 1, 2010

Dystopian February Wrap-Up

Dystopian February has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I read 20 books this month (1 was for my book club, so has not yet been reviewed) which counts as my most successful reading month since I started book blogging 2 years ago.

Just for clarification, the Zombie Chicken rating system is ONLY for dystopian fiction, and shows how I would rate the novel within the genre. If a book receives a 5 rating, it means I think you should read it before a 4, a 4 before a 3, and so on. A book I give a 3 here, might very well receive a 4 on my GoodReads account when compared to all other genres, so these aren't strictly quality ratings. Here's an overview of what I rated this month (sorry about the spacing issues, I am having soooooooooooo much trouble with it lately - please debug blogspot Google!):

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder

The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Things that Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley

Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Birthmarked by Caragh O'Brien

Dark Life by Kat Falls

The Line by Teri Hall

Lockdown (Escape from Furnace) by Alexander Gordon Smith

Among the Imposters by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Sapphique by Catherine Fisher

The Resistance by Gemma Malley

I also had 4 authors by for interviews:

Patrick Ness (Chaos Walking Triology)
Jasper Fforde (Shades of Grey Trilogy)
Teri Hall (The Line)
Kat Falls (Dark Life)

3 Fabulous Guest Bloggers:

Megan on little-known dystopian gems part 1 & part 2

Jen Robinson on Michael Grant's Gone Series

Rhiannon Hart on YA Dystopias

AND there are 5 contests you can still enter:

Since I had so much fun, I may do it again next February. Or maybe even in 6 does Dystopian August sound?! Thanks to everyone who contributed and commented to make this such a successful theme month.


  1. This was a great themed month! I wouldn't mind seeing it again in August. ;)

  2. OMG...20 books! That is incredible. I do appreciate you paving the trail for those of us that are less experienced in dystopia! I've got my eye on a couple of these books for the short term!

  3. Am sad that Dystopian February is over already :(
    Thank you for introducing me to some great books.

    Dystopian August sounds really good! Please don't make me wait a whole year before you decide to do this again ;)

  4. I can't believe Dystopian February is already over! I've really enjoyed reading your reviews of all these books. :)

  5. This has been such great fun! Thank you. I hope you'll give "Dystopian August" a try. I'll be there!

  6. I really enjoyed Dystopian February so I would be a fan of Dystopian August. :)

  7. Thanks for doing this Lenore! I know I had a blast reading all your reviews/interviews. And I'm all ready for Dystopian August!!

  8. This has been awesome fun Lenore! Thanks for some fantastic books that I'm now dying to read.
    I can't wait until this rolls around again!

  9. Dystopian February was great! I loved reading all your reviews and can't wait to get to your highest rated books. I'm definitely looking forward to when you do it again.

  10. This was a lot of fun. I would also tune in for Dystopian August.

    Now if only I had time to read all of these books...

  11. I have had such a good time reading your posts this month, and I am excited that you will be doing it again in August!! I have come across so many new titles that I probably would have never found on my own, and your reviews have been wonderful!

  12. I loved your dystopian month, Lenore! It was so much fun to discover all those great books with you. It went by so, so fast - too fast if you want my opinion! Dystopian August sounds great to me (especially since Mockingjay will come out of the hiding room at that time!)

  13. Wow, Dystopian February flew by way too quickly! Congrats on such a successful month, not only in quantity but also in quality. It looks like you read some really great books in February. And Dystopian August sounds like a fantastic idea!


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