Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Fabulous! (21)

Here's what I am excited about this week:

1. The sun appeared in Frankfurt! I got to wear my new sunglasses for the first time this year yesterday.

2. Dystopian February was a great success! I've had over 200 people answer my survey (including my dad) so far and have gotten some great feedback and suggestions for Dystopian August. Are you interested in dystopian movies? Write me an e-mail (lenoreva AT hotmail DOT com) if you'd like to participate in an August feature on movies.

3. Charlotte of The Book on the Hill recently featured Suzi from Packabook, a new website that helps you pick out books set in the country you plan to visit! Right now, the site has recommendations for 25 countries and they plan to add more in the future. Fun!

4. Great news for international book bloggers - now we too can participate in one ARC/book tours. Just head over to International Book Tours to get all the info and fill out the reviewer sign up sheet!

5. IF I STAY by Gayle Forman, one of my favorite books of 2009, is getting a sequel. It's called WHERE SHE WENT and it's from Adam's point of view. And Gayle talks about it on her blog.

6. Nominations for this year's edition of Nerds Heart YA are now open! Share your favorite 2009 book that you felt was under represented in the blogosphere (under 15 reviews) and help it get a wider audience! Deadline for noms is March 15th.

So what about you? Let's hear what you are excited about!


  1. It's wonderful to see an International Book Tours group!

  2. I am excited about the writing conference I am going to tomorrow even though I am not a writer and world horror later this month. :)

  3. Glad to hear the sun is out in Frankfurt. I think we are all ready for Spring, at least I know I am!

  4. I got my new sunglasses at Christmas and I was finally able to wear them today too!

  5. I'm excited about your Dystopian thing. really, I loved it.
    Also, I'm excited I'll be at BEA and may actually get to meet you in person :)

  6. I'm excited about my new home office; I got a desk this week, the first one I've had since college. Now I just have to clean out the room it's going in, LOL. :-) I'm glad to hear you can participate in blog tours now!

  7. I loved the dystopian February and wish I had had the time to contribute. Maybe next time.

  8. #5 = huge yay! I enjoyed that book, and will be very interested in the sequel.


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