Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday (96) = Picture of Emmy

Emmy and Finn tried out our clothes drying rack....

but didn't find it that comfortable for hanging around.

So, Daniel fixed it up for them.


  1. Awww... They are excessively cute! Absolutely love Finn's pose there. As if he tried to act cool despite being uncomfortable. Cute lil' ones!

  2. That is too funny!! I thought Milou was spoiled, but I think they have her beat!

  3. Ahhhahahahahahahahah! It's nice to see we're not the only crazy accommodating cat owners. The things we do for love of our pets!

  4. of course, now every time you use it to actually dry clothes they will know you are actually setting it up for them, right?

  5. They are so adorable and silly! :) What great cats!

  6. Soo cute.. I wish I had cats at home :)Such antics

  7. Ouch! That doesn't look comfortable at all! Glad to hear Daniel fixed it up for them. If kitties aren't happy, no one is happy!

  8. aww beautiful xDd^^ i love cats^^

  9. Eek! That certainly doesn't look comfortable! It's so nice of Daniel to fix the place for them, it's like they have bunk beds now!

  10. My cats would like to join them. They are adorable.

  11. What fun photos! Thanks for sharing some kitty love.

  12. That first picture is quite impressive!! I'm loving the mad skillz it takes to even balance like that for long enough to have your picture snapped!

    I love it I walk in on my kittehs and their in a cute or precarious place. It just brightens my day, as did these photos. Thanks for sharing this!!

  13. SO cute! so so so so so cute. why are the all the way over there in Germany???

  14. Very cute! My cats really like the linen closet. :)

  15. That is too cute!! I want to steal your cats and keep them as my very own :-)

  16. lol! You catch them at the best moments :D

  17. The first picture cracked me up. :)

  18. Thanks for the laugh today! One of my furballs is just spending all of his time sleeping on one of the heater vents. As a consequence, the living room has been quite cold recently! Well, at least he's toasty!

  19. Oh my goodness these pictures are adorable. I will say the kitties look more comfortable on their little mats!

  20. Well i bet that was not so comfortable for them with their paws sticking thru, Daniel is such a good guy to make it better for them.


  21. Heh. Very cute! I am glad you fixed it up for them because they probably would have gotten tired of slipping through the holes!

  22. That Daniel! He's a good daddy!

  23. Oh they are so gorgeous! Jealous!

    Don't tell my cat, who's in the unattractive "Cone of Shame" these days:


    Laura Hartness
    The Calico Critic

  24. nice post. thanks.

  25. Your cats are ridiculously cute.

  26. Ok, this just might be my favorite Emmy and Finn picture-too cute!

  27. Awwwww, these are the cutest pictures. I love the ones hanging off the coat rack. lol. But they looks so sweet laying comfy. What we don't do to make our furbabies happy.

  28. Awww! That's sweet to have the blankets there.

  29. Finn and Emmy look very comfortable in the nests that Daniel fixed for them.

  30. OMGosh, I just spit scrambled eggs when I saw the 1st pic. I just love your cats. The mat was a great idea. I thought my cat MissKallie was spoiled but yours have her beat.,.Love them..LOL

  31. This is just too funny and soooooo cat!


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