Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where My Last 20 Books Came From (6)

It's that time again! The sources of my last 20 reviewed books:

The Widow's Season by Laura Brodie - Provided by publisher after I accepted author query

Ice by Sarah Beth Durst - Provided by publisher after I accepted author query

Mathilda Savitch by Victor Lodato - Amazon Vine

Claim to Fame by Margaret Peterson Haddix - Amazon Vine

The Invention of Curried Sausage by Uwe Timm - Bought

Wherever Nina Lies by Lynn Weingarten - Provided by publicist after I accepted query

The Passage by Justin Cronin - Borrowed from the incomparable Trish

Exodus by Julie Bertagna - Picked up at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Birthmarked by Caragh O'Brien - Traded with Sharon

Dark Life by Kat Falls - Picked up at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder - Requested from publisher

The Line by Teri Hall - Picked up at Frankfurt Book Fair

Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody - Bought

Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler - Bought

Among the Imposters by Margaret Peterson Haddix - Bought used

Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix - Bought

Sapphique by Catherine Fisher - Bought

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher - Bought

Lockdown (Escape from Furnace) by Alexander Gordon Smith - Unsolicted review copy

The Things that Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley - Requested via Shelf Awareness

Thanks to Dystopian February, my sources were pretty balanced this time around. I'm pleased to be getting a lot of my bought books read!

Where are your books coming from these days?


  1. It's always so nice to be reading your own books, isn't it? Slightly more than a third of my reads for the year have been review copies. I'm trying to swing the balance a little more in favor of my own books.

  2. What a wonderful collection of books! It is wonderful receiving books in the mail. After seeing your list, I think I'd like to make a trip to the Frankfurt Book Fair!

  3. I want to read Inside Out, The Line, Birthmarked and Incarceron so badly!

  4. You are extremely well-balanced! I've been really picky about review copies lately. So many of them arrive and sit forever on the shelves which give me a big guilt complex. I'd say about half of my books (audios) come from the library. The others are evenly split between review copies, ones that were bought, and ones that were won or given to me.

  5. Books in the mail are great! I also like picking up books at the library!

  6. Great additions to your collection! I understand the balancing of books.

  7. It is so interesting to see where the books come from. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I just got Obernewtyn, and it was as a result of your review. :)

  9. I haven't done this in a few months -- I should take a look see.


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