Saturday, April 10, 2010

24 Hour Readathon is a go!

I've just brewed a pot of tea and pulled out my stack of books, so I'm ready to read! I'm going to be ambitious and review the books I read immediately (though they'll likely be shorter than normal) so look for those posts as the day goes on. I'll also probably participate in some mini-challenges and I'll do update posts every so often - but not too many as I don't want to spam anyone's reader.

My first book is Tethered by Amy MacKinnon and we'll see what I'm in the mood for after that!
ETA: Ooh! Looks like the first mini-challenge is up and I can't resist!

Where are you reading from today? Frankfurt, Germany

3 facts about me today:

I am wearing a sweatshirt from the University of North Dakota that was my father's back when he went there. It's so vintage!

I may read some outside on our balcony which was just made safe for our cats. They are loving it!

Our friend is here for a visit and she cooks very well! So I am sure I will be well fed with little effort.

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? 10, but any number of others I can pull off the shelf if I am not feeling them.

Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)? Not really. Just have fun and read what I can.

If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time? Read short books!


  1. Good luck, Lenore! I'm waiting on my coffee and then I'm off to read!

  2. Good luck!! Happy marathon reading!

  3. My first Read-a-thon. Good luck! Here's are my books for the Read-a-Thon.

  4. I love old sweatshirts. They are so comfortable. I stole the one I'm wearing from my fiance. I swear it's better than anything I own.

  5. Hey, how do you make your balcony safe for cats? Mine is pretty afraid of the edge and we watch him very closely to make sure he doesn't do anything dumb. But I'd love a more long term solution.

    Hope you're having fun doing the readathon! Sounds good so far!

  6. Fun is the goal! Happy reading! :D

  7. Lenore! My IBBMP mentor :) Just wanna wish you good luck on your reading! Hurrah! Hurrah! Go for the gold!

    -- Ruby =)

  8. I bet Emmy and Finn do love the balcony! Have fun today!

  9. Good luck! Check in on Twitter from time to time :)

  10. Have fun reading today! Sitting out on the balcony with the cats reading sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

  11. I'm like you, I just want to have fun with this. I am donating books to Native American teens through Guys Lit Wire but I'm still taking it easy. Keep reading!

  12. Good luck Lenore! And great idea about reading on your balcony!

  13. Good luck with all of your reading. It's nice you have a friend there who will cook for you!

  14. Hope you're having fun! I see you're already making good progress and even posting reviews. Awesome!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  15. Leonore, I think you rock! I'm so glad I get to cheer for you today! I always enjoy your blog and especially enjoy all your thorough posts with such wonderful blog advice. Happy reading! Glad to hear you have a good cook to keep you well fed! :)

  16. Gosh, I wish I could do this! Kids won't allow it, though! :-(


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