Saturday, April 3, 2010

24 Hour Readathon Reading List

For the first time, I signed up to read during the 24 hour readathon that will take place on April 10th! Now, I doubt I will actually read more than half that time, but it'll be fun to try!

I did participate in MotherReader's 48 hour readathon 2 years ago (and I was a cheerleader last year), and I learned from experience to pick short books to make myself feel like I am accomplishing something.

And I have a bunch of books that fit the bill! Here's what is in my readathon reading pile at the moment:

1. JUMPED by Rita Williams-Garcia [YA, 168 pages]
2. TETHERED by Amy MacKinnon [Adult, 257 pages]
3. THE GIRL SHE USED TO BE by David Cristofano [Adult, 241 pages]
4. THE VAMPIRE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU by Vlad Mezrich [YA, 176 pages]
5. ESCAPE UNDER THE FOREVER SKY by Eve Yohalem [MG, 214 pages]
6. BEWARE, PRINCESS ELIZABETH by Carolyn Meyer [YA, 214 pages]
7. THE BLONDE OF THE JOKE by Bennett Madison [YA, 259 pages]
8. FUNNY BUSINESS ed. by Leonard S. Marcus [Non-fic, 209 pages]
9. STOLEN by Lucy Christopher [YA, 300 pages]
10. THE BRILLIANT FALL OF GIANNA Z. by Kate Messner [MG, 195 pages]

So what do you think of my mix? Too ambitious? Not varied enough? Or just right?


  1. Oh I think it seems just right! Not too many pages so you'll feel like you are getting somewhere but also getting plenty of variety during the read-a-thon. Great list! Can't wait to see the reviews!

  2. That seems fun. I'm really bad at reading, as I spend more time writing. Need to work on that.

    Good luck to you.

  3. I think you have a nice variety. Ultimately it has to be what you want it to be and what will excite you to stay up and read for as long as you can.

    I'm a fly by the seat of her pants girl so I'll just be picking and choosing as I go along I think.

    Good luck :)

  4. love the mix of your read list!

  5. I think your list seems full of variety and good reads. Good luck!

  6. I have not read any of the books on your list, but my co-worker recently read The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z, and she quite enjoyed it.

  7. Cool idea and cool list. JUMPED is a very interesting read in terms of the way it uses multiple POV structure and limited time frame to explore its subject. It works very well as a short novel, too. Just discovered your blog--look forward to following.

  8. I think you have just enough.

    Jumped is a quick read and it sucks you in and holds you hostage for the entirety of the novel (at least for me), but it's really short so that's good. It seems like an appropriate book to read with the current swirl of anti-bullying activity in lieu of Phoebe Prince.

    I love Carolyn Meyer's work. Beware, Princes Elizabeth was quite good. I like the title of The Blonde of the Joke :)

  9. 2,3,6 are all great books!! Your list looks great. I need to get mine can't wait for Saturday...I'm cheerleading so I'm sure I'll be visiting you during the 24 hours!!

  10. I think it's just right! I tried to pick some short books as well. I'm likely to get bored otherwise. We will see how long my kids make it in this whole thing!

  11. Looks pretty good... If I decide to join (don't know how busy I'll be), I will definitely have some graphic novels and perhaps an audiobook on my list as well. Picture books too! And magazines/journals! I'm all about variety. :)

  12. Good luck! I wish I could send you She's So Dead To US, I read it in an afternoon and it had my attention the entire time. It's a new Y series that doesn't come out til May but already i am waiting for the next installment.

  13. I think you have a great long as the books are short and can hold your attention...that's all that matters. I'm going to cheerlead this time around as well as break up the pace for me...I tend to get bogged down.

  14. The only one I've read is The Girl She Used to Be and it's a great pick for the read-a-thon. Have fun!

  15. I haven't read any of those looking forward to your reviews,im going to post my list tonight too :)

  16. I loved Jumped and Tethered. Both are hard to put down and perfect for a readathon.

  17. That looks like a nice varied list, some of them seem like they may be intense, so to mix it up with the lighter reads is very clever!

    I actually signed up to be a cheerleader, since i'm in the GMT time zone is happening during the day for me, so commenting will be easy peasy. Hope you mnanage to get through them all and good luck!

  18. The books you got on your list sounds wonderful. Enjoy reading them next saturday! Happy Easter.

  19. Wow, that's quite a list! Good luck with it! It's my birthday, so I won't be reading too much as I have to spend it with my friend who turns 40 on the 11th! :) But I'll check in to see your progress!

  20. i've honestly read none of these, but it looks like a good mix.

    i'll probably stop by on the day of the readathon when i need a break from books. happy reading!

  21. I think you have a good variety! I remember that short length and variety were key ingredients in succeeding my read-a-thons :) Have fun!

  22. Looks great! You have a lot to read but I suspect it will be fun. I have a lot of picture books to mix in with my novels, so that will provide variety. I think I'll have to make a to-read list myself. Good idea!

  23. I am not sure if I will be participating, but I do wish you good luck and hope that you enjoy all the books you've picked!

  24. That looks like a great list! Have fun during the read-a-thon :)

  25. I'm so glad to see you're participating this year. I always wondered why you didn't before.

    The list is pretty good, just don't expect to read it all. I've done the read-a-thon many times now. Have lots of snacks ready to grab so you don't have to stop reading to get something to eat or drink. If you use audio books, have some for when you want to take a walk or get housework done or just rest your eyes. Have someone else make dinner or order if you are alone. Wear comfy clothes and don't spend so much time doing minichallenges, posting updates and tweeting that you get barely any reading done (I did that last year, I know better this year.)

  26. I like the idea of having shorter novels to make it easier to feel like you're achieving something during the readathon.

    I'm joining in the readathon for the first time and I've got 11 books on my list - a mix of YA and general fiction and some non-fiction. Hopefully no matter what mood I'm in I'll find something that will suit.

    I hope you have fun reading through your list.


    Goodluck and happy reading!


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