Thursday, April 15, 2010

Book Club Report: The Tourist by Olen Steinhauer

I just got back from my latest book club meeting.

Short summary: Milo used to work for the CIA as a black ops "tourist" until he married and settled down with his new wife and daughter. But when a criminal known as the "tiger" tracks him down, Milo is drawn back into the spy game in order to clear his name and uncover an international conspiracy.

The group's verdict: This one is what it is - an entertaining thriller that falls short of its literary aspirations (it's no Graham Greene) but is still a cut above most novels in the genre. The majority of the group enjoyed reading it - we just didn't have all that much to discuss, besides that George Clooney is developing the book as a starring vehicle. In any case, my favorite scene was the one set in Frankfurt. It's always cool to read about places you know well.

Up next: THE HELP by Kathryn Stockett. I've read it already (here's my rave review) but I'm excited to get to discuss it with a group.


  1. I have no problem reading a book that's just plain fun and this one sounds like it's exactly that.

  2. I saw this one at Sam's Club a few weeks ago and was intrigued but hadn't heard anything about it so decided to hold off, even with the reduced price. Glad to hear that it was fun - could be something I'd enjoy when I'm in the mood for something plot-oriented.

  3. Our book club did The Help a couple of months ago (even though I'd already read it too). I've heard the audio is phenomenal.

  4. But what is a black ops tourist?

  5. Not sure this book is for me, but I do know a few people who would probably love it. It's good to know it's better than average though!

  6. I really like the cover of this book. I like fun books once in a while, but they generally don't make great book club discussion.

  7. Liviania - Black ops is like secret agents.

  8. Sounds like an interesting book. Not really my usual selection though. :P

    Also, I have an award for you.

  9. Definitely not my kind of book me thinks.


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