Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday (100) = Picture of Emmy

Oooh...guess what? Yep. MORE cats in a box.

They really do spend most of their time in boxes...


  1. This shall be my birthday gift. And don't forget the ribbon.

  2. Oh, they are so ADORABLE! *hugs screen*

  3. Aww... how cute!

    Cats do love boxes. Boxes, suitcases, gift bags, laundry baskets... So many cute places to get into and fall asleep in.

  4. I was just going to say, when I looked at this pic "golly, these cats are always in a box!" lol

  5. Awww... Aren't they sweet!! Finn looks so big now. I think it is very cute to see them share that box. Lovely!

  6. It's true! My cats are overjoyed when I bring home a box. Of course they'll hide in just about anything but there's something special about a cardboard box.

  7. Beautiful, makes me long for my siamese, such wonderful kitty-cats

  8. It looks like they're learning to share very well!

  9. Emmy and her friend look just like my cat that I had to give to my sister. I had a kidney removed and somehow became allergic. Broke my heart - but I love seeing pictures of your two lovies.

  10. Your cats are so pretty and I just love their blue eyes.

  11. My cats would NEVER share a space with each other. We have alot of angst and rage amongst our felines. I would be happy if you posted pictures of these two every day.

  12. ours love boxes too! I guess it makes them feel secure!

  13. Aw, they're particularly cute from above :D

  14. Aww! Adorable box picture! I like the angle that you took the photo from as well!

  15. What an adorable pair they make in their box!

  16. That is an adorable picture. I just want to give them a squeeze. My aunts cats used to spend most of their time in paper bags she'd leave out for them. lol.

  17. They are soooooo adorable! :)

  18. Ha! They are SO cute! Our cat love boxes, but every once in awhile she decides they are actually litter boxes, so I have to be careful not to leave them around.

  19. They are, absolutely, the loveliest cats on the internets.

  20. Why do cats like boxes so much? Mine like to sleep in them. Yours are so beautiful!

  21. They always look like they're having fun and yet are adorable at the same time! :P

  22. these kitties are just too adorable!

  23. I dunno what it is about cats and boxes, but they really do love them.


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