Saturday, May 1, 2010

Friday Fabulous! (23) - On a Saturday...

I have a few happy odds and ends as well as some fun links to share, and Friday got away from me!

1. I was featured on Rebecca of Lost in Books fab 20 Questions feature this week. Head on over to find out my must-have reading accessory, fave authors and more.

2. Want to go to the Book Blogger Con on May 28th but can't really afford it? Well, the organizers are doing another registration fee giveaway and I added $50 to the pot for travel expenses! The organizers have also started the BBC scholarship fund in case you are so inclined to donate $$ as well so that as many bloggers as possible can make this fun, educational event.

3. Kristi of The Story Siren wanted to see my swag drawer, so I posted a pic on twitter. But since not everyone is on twitter all of the time, I will repost it here.

This is where I go when it's time to send out prize books or books for the International Book Blogger Mentor Program - everyone gets a handful of signed bookmarks and other swag. Fun!

4. A Novel Romance blog posted this link to a game which tests your knowledge of geography and it is safe to say I am an addict now! There are 12 levels, and it took me about 10 tries before I could get past level 11 to level 12. Ok, I'll admit I ended up studying a map of Russia and the South Pacific - because my knowledge of those areas is a little fuzzy. Try it out!

5. YA Highway brings us the official YASAT practice test. For anyone who reads YA, this is sure to have you giggling!

6. I've been engaged in my own personal fitness challenge to work out at least 7 hours a week and I'm still going strong after 2 weeks. Have to build up my stamina for BEA! Speaking of which, a lot of bloggers have forms you can fill out to tell them when and where you might like to meet up. I don't have a form for you, but if you want to meet up with me at some point, drop me an e-mail at lenoreva at hotmail dot com or just comment here and let me know! I'll be in town from Friday, May 21 to the Saturday a week later. My calendar is already pretty full, but I'm sure I have room for YOU. :)

What's going on in your corner of the world/blogosphere?


  1. I want a swag drawer like that! It is awesome!

    I've been thinking I need to practice standing for long periods of time to prep for BEA. I definitely want to see you while I'm there!

  2. Thanks for all the fun links. I'll have to check out the YASAT and geography game.

  3. Cheers for posting the link to the geography game. We're really busy today, but if we find time to play the game, we'd love to compare scores later on. So far level 8 or 9 is our best achievement.

  4. Woohoo, that swag drawer is faaabulous! And oh I so wish I could go to BEA, but sadly I can't. :( Hope you have fun though, can't wait for the report! :D

  5. I'm impressed with your drawer! I think I need to get me one. I'm seriously feeling left out because I'm not going to BEA. Money is an issue, but I also need a babysitter. Can they provide one of those? Ha. I'll get there someday.

  6. Love the photo of your swag drawer. I wish I had one of my own! Checked out your interview at Lost in Books; what you have to go through to get your books from the US was my fave question. I really wish someone would knock on my door and say, "Congrats! We've cleared your schedule and are sending you on an all-expenses paid trip to NYC for BEA and BBC!" But alas, there's always next year. :-)

  7. Thanks for sharing the photo of your swag drawer! What fun! I tried the geography game and failed at level 5!

  8. Love the swag drawer!!!!!!

  9. 1. Awesome swag drawer! I am slightly jealous! :P

    2. Congrats on meeting your fitness goals! I hope your success continues! :)

  10. Your swag drawer is so organized! I'm mightily impressed. :) And congratulations on meeting your fitness goals. Good luck!

  11. Keep going with your fitness routine! Mine has been shot in the past couple of weeks.

  12. Lovelly swag drawer!

    Sounds like you've been having a lot of fun lately.

  13. LOL I see my trading card! :P

    Can't wait to see you again!

  14. Lots of fun links and I love your swag drawer!

  15. Great job on the fitness challenge Lenore!! Also, I am in love with your swag drawer. I need to get me one of those!!

  16. Great links! Loved the YASAT and the pic of your swag drawer. You are hyper-organized, by the way.

  17. That geography game is reallyyyy addicting. I can't stop. Which is bad because I have an AP test to study for.

    And that swag drawer is awesome.

  18. That swag drawer is so organized! Wow...I'll be at BEA with Anna and The Girl from May 22-29. I hope we cross paths at BEA again. last year was fun.

    I fail at exercise...


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