Saturday, May 8, 2010

Latest Contest Winners (3) + Dystopian February Survey Results

Time again to announce winners.

The winner of the Penguin Dystopian Prize Pack which included the novels Restoring Harmony, The Line, Incarceron and The Other Side of the Island is Jenn S.

The winner of the two dystopian books of choice from The Book Depository is Ann P.

The winner of the dysoptian sampler pack including Shades of Grey, Genesis and Exodus is Maria F.

The winner of signed copies of Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver and Tricks by Ellen Hopkins is Rhiannon R.

The winner of Airhead and Being Nikki by Meg Cabot is Bethie M.

The winner of the signed copy of Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti is Stephanie D.

Congrats all! Winners have been notified and their prizes are on the way or delivered already.


At the end of Dystopian February, I posted a my first ever survey. I had 330 individual responses - wow!

Here are the results:

Top 3 favorite features of Dystopian February were book reviews, previews of upcoming dystopian titles, and contests.

About 70% of respondents said review length should depend on whatever serves the material best.

60% of respondents enjoyed the Zombie Chicken ratings and said they wished I gave ratings all the time. This kind of surprised me! Maybe I do need to start giving ratings...

45% of respondents said they were likely or very likely to purchase one of the featured titles.

70% of respondents said they were subscribers or followers of my blog.

Many of you told me the book you most want to see reviewed during Dystopian August is Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (big surprise!), but also mentioned more than 5 times were:
The Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan (in my TBR)
This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pffefer (in my TBR)
Matched by Ally Condie (in my TBR)
Z is for Zachriah by Robert O'Brien (must purchase)
and classics like 1984, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451 (have read them all, so will work on a feature)

I also got a lot of great input on what features readers want to see in August, and I am hard at work already on Dystopian August is shaping up to be twice as cool as Dystopian February!

At least one feature I will be doing requires audience participation, so let me know if you are interested in reading a dystopian book and then watching its movie adaptation and comparing the two. There are a ton of titles to choose from. Just contact me at lenoreva at hotmail dot com


  1. Awesome!
    I read Z is for Zachriah and that remains as one of my top picks of any genre.
    Have a lovely rest of the day!
    Love, Hannah

  2. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  3. You will love Z for Zachariah when you get to it! One of my absolute faves. I'm looking forward to dystopian August :D

  4. Congrats to the winners, and hurray for dystopian books!

  5. Thanks for sharing your survey results! Cannot wait for Dystopian August :D

  6. Congratulations to all the winners and I am glad that your survey worked out so well for you!!

  7. Congrats to all the winners...and it looks like you got some great feedback on your blog and reviews.


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