Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday (106) = Picture of Emmy

Emmy and Finn enjoying the morning on the balcony.


  1. So cute! Looks like a lovely day there today, or whatever day this was taken.

  2. This picture is making me want to take a nap!

  3. I was starting to panic...where was my picture of Emmy today??? They look so peaceful. And they have their sunshade so they don't get burned!

  4. That's the life

    Hey, we missed you guys Saturday!

  5. Kitty snuggles are the best. They're absolutely gorgeous. <3

  6. It's so sweet the way they cuddle and love each other. My cats? Not so much. They are usually chasing each other around and swatting each other in the face. Your babies are gorgeous and have the longest coats!!

  7. those are some content looking kitty cats.


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