Thursday, June 3, 2010

BEA 2010 Recap 1: Pre-BEA Activities

After worrying for over a month that the Iceland volcano would ruin our trip to New York, Daniel and I were just happy to get on the plane on the Friday before BEA. But it was nice, too, that Delta upgraded us to business class (medallion status is sooo worth it).

Upon arriving in NYC, Daniel and I checked into our hotel, and headed over to Brooklyn for a dinner party hosted by the very fabulous Lauren Oliver. That’s right, not only can she write and sing, she can also cook and put together a super-fun mix of people. I got to meet four of Lauren’s good friends including two who are upcoming debut YA authors: Leila Sales (MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS, SimonPulse Oct 2010) and Jessica Rothenberg (THE CATASTROPHIC HISTORY OF YOU AND ME, Dutton 2011).

Leila is hilarious (she made us watch a clip of Tyra Banks flipping out over Vaseline on YouTube) and has inspired me to join the Facebook group “pretending Jim is short for Jimothy”. My brother has also joined this important cause. I hope you will consider it as well. In any case, she brought me an ARC of MGG, and after I pretty much read the first 20 pages aloud in our hotel room, giggling, Daniel stole it from me.

Lauren with her bookcase.

I was amazed to see just how many owned books we have in common – there’s probably a crossover of about 80%. No wonder we click so well! Read more about the evening at Lauren’s blog.

Saturday was a “free day” for Daniel and me. We shopped and napped and walked around a lot. Then we met Amy (My Friend Amy) and Nicole (Linus’ Blanket) for dinner at an Italian locale. It was so nice to see both of them again and to discuss their new business venture Winsome Media Communications as well as Daniel’s book IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? (written by Audrey Vernick).

Sunday we met up with Trish of Hey Lady! Watcha Reading? at the Strand bookstore. While there, we ran into Alea (Pop Culture Junkie) and Gail (Ticket to Anywhere). Alea, Gail and I plundered the YA ARCS (I got PLAIN KATE by Erin Bow & RAISED BY WOLVES by Jennifer Lynn Barnes) and I also picked up hardcovers of RAMPANT by Diana Peterfreund and SHADE by Jeri Smith-Ready. Then Trish, Daniel and I headed over to The Cupping Room for a delicious dinner of hamburgers with avocado.

The evening was dedicated to a LOST viewing party in Michelle (Galleysmith) and Trish’s hotel room. Also present were Natasha (Maw Books) and Amy. We also had a few other bloggers drop by including Pam (Bookalicious), Laura (I'm Booking It) and Jill (Fizzy Thoughts). During commercials, we chatted and laughed and Trish made us do the Fake vs Real smile test. I got 16 out of 20 right. The finale itself was a bit of a head-scratcher for me. I am still not sure if I liked it or not. Maybe I need to watch it again. Maybe I need to watch the entire series again.

At Random House (photo curtesy of Maw Books)

Monday morning I met Amy, Nicole, Trish, Natasha, Michelle and Ann Kingman (Books on the Nightstand) for a tour of Random House. We ate breakfast in their caf and then got to walk the hallowed halls. We met a bunch of cool people there including cover designer Peter Mendelsund who talked a bit about the process of creating cover art. (He blogs at Jacket Mechanical – check it out!) I finally got to meet the lovely Meg O’Brien and compliment her on the fun Random Buzzers site. She gave me a couple of ARCs including AS King’s PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ *squee*.

The Random Buzzers Cube

Then we set off to our tour of Harper Collins set up by Book Club Girl Jennifer Hart. We met Alea and Gail in the lobby and were soon ushered into a conference room where we were joined by a ton of HarperCollins publicists including Elyse Marshall who I’ve been in contact with for ages. We talked about expectations from both sides which was awesome. Elyse also brought me a copy of Lauren Oliver’s DELIRIUM which made me deliriously happy (I should note that Ive already read it and it is fantastic)! A few of us also did a video in their studio. We really needed a make-up artist to take care of all that shine. Moving on…

Scholastic tour group and the NYC skyline

Our next tour was at Scholastic, but we were a tad late due to the amazing lunch provided to us by Harper Collins. Tyler Reed met us in the lobby and we wandered around a bit looking for the rest of the group (including Daniel). Scholastic had a bunch of surprises in store for us, including a quick visit with Rick Riordan (in the office signing 800 copies of 39 Clues), a talk/signing with Aimee Friedman, and a visit to a free-for-all book table (I picked up Eliot Schrefer’s THE DEADLY SISTER, which was cool, because I was able to get it signed later at the TAC). We also got to visit the massive archives where they have copies of many of their published books including a ton of rare first editions.

This is where the magic happens. Who thinks there is a copy of MOCKINGJAY locked in David Levithan's office?

Then we headed over to the Teen Author Carnival where I met a ton more bloggers (Steph Su and I had a very nice chat) and authors. I really enjoyed the panels and even asked a question in the fantasy panel that garnered me a set of books (including Linda Gerber’s TRANCE) and a Ghost Girl pillowcase (I LOVE pillowcases!). The signing afterwards was insane and loud. But I did get a chance to chat with Elizabeth Scott, Melissa Walker, Sarah Ockler, Amy Brecount White and so many others my brain fries just thinking about it. After being kicked out of the building by an irate cleaning staff, Daniel and I walked with Linda Gerber to the subway and went back to our hotel to rest up for our busy Tuesday.

Eliot Schrefer, Maryrose Wood and Linda Gerber at the Fantasy/Mystery panel

Stay tuned for more BEA/NYC recap fun! And if you've done a BEA recap or an Armchair BEA post, please give me your links in the comments! I'd love to read about your experiences too.


  1. No wonder it took you so long to write -- you were busy! I am so jealous about your ARC of Please Ignore Vera Deitz! SO JEALOUS!!!!!

  2. Wow, I don't even know where to start, it sounds like you had such an amazing time, and I am only slightly envious at the moment. I definitely think a trip to NYC is on the cards for next year *fingers crossed* I saw the photos on Laurens blog too, her dinner party looked divine, and her bookcase makes me giggle, it looks like mine, with books jammed where there's space. I am so excited that you got to go and visit so many publishing houses!! the photos are fantastic.

    And YAY Delirium, I really hope you love it as much as Before I Fall.

  3. I love the Nick and Norah poster at HC! I realise that's a pretty random thing to comment on, but I just read that last week :P Sounds like you all had a lovely time. I wish I could have been there!

  4. LOL! Those people at TAC were kinda nasty, they basically screamed at us to leave! I'm pretty sure everytime I've been at the Strand I've seen someone I knew!

  5. Magical! Every post I read from BEA makes me salivate a little more.

  6. I am so jealous! You got to hang out with Lauren Oliver AND get an ARC of Please Ignore Vera Deitz!

  7. That sounds like a ton of fun! (Why yes, I am Capt. Obvious today.) (I love how David Levithan decorated his office door.)

  8. I'm so glad you were able to get to NYC - it looks like you really made the most of your trip.

    You're going to love Vera Dietz (I snagged an ARC about a few weeks ago, and I need to pass it on to another blogger, 'cause it's pretty amazing)

    Hanging out with Lauren Oliver? Really? So insanely jealous!

  9. Loved your recap! You were BUSY! I only got to go to one publishing house and that was Penguin and while it was very fun and cool, your experiences sound much more interesting! I am very jealous! I've been in touch with Meg O'Brien too and would've loved to meet her. So jealous of Vera Dietz.

    Elyse and I got to chat a bit at BEA, which was really nice. I saw her first at Lauren Oliver's line (very jealous you got to hang with Lauren!) where she was helping, and then again Thursday at the HC booth. Elyse is just so sweet!

    Love all your pics and hearing about your trip. Can't wait to hear more!

    Here's a link to my recap of Mon and Tues- . You're mentioned! :)

  10. Thank you for sharing your trip with us! It sounds like such fun. Lauren Oliver seems so awesome, and I'm also willing to bet there is a copy of MOCKINGJAY in David Levithan's office. *makes grabby hands*

    And oh, I'm jealous of your ARC of PLAIN KATE! :)

  11. Oh man when I read recaps about things I didn't make it to, it makes me so jealous! It sounds like you had a blast. :)

  12. Ah, I love Random Buzzers! (Just thought I'd throw that out that.)

  13. WOW! What an amazing trip! I love reading up on the adventures the bloggers had. I'm looking forward to BEA next year and hoping to be there. What a wonderful trip to the publishing offices.

  14. LENORE. i cannot BELIEVE you didn't tell me, when we were discussing "mostly good girls," that you had met, neigh, HUNG OUT with leila sales!!!! UM JEALOUSY ENGAGE. gah, i loved that book so much, and her writing voice totally convinced me that she needs to be at the next FYA slumber party. i mean, SHE WATCHES TYRA VIDEOS. THAT IS ALL I NEED TO KNOW.

  15. How cool!
    Thanks so much for snapping those pictures. It looked like you had a blast!
    Love, Hannah

  16. Wow, your trip sounds awesome! The pictures of the publishing houses definitely live up to my expectations, haha. :)

  17. Looks like you had an awesome time! I'm jealous of the tours! And you pretty much made my BEA so you know what happened there.

    As for shine in photos, matte make-up. I use Bare Minerals Matte. Or you can get this anti-shine serum at The Body Shoppe that you can apply right over your make-up and eliminates shine instantly. I love it. My face is a grease put so I use it often.

  18. Thanks for posting about this! Looks like you had an amazing time. :) Can't wait to read your post about BEA. I enjoy reading BEA-related posts because it makes me feel slightly better that I wasn't able to go.

  19. Wow, what a recap! Can't wait to read more. The publishing house tours were especially interesting to read about.

  20. Loved this fun, you guys were busy and there was so much goodness going on!!

  21. Sounds like you had an amazing time! I wish I could have gone to the BEA, and the BBC, too!

  22. I love this post--sounds like you had such a good time--Im so jealous of everyone you hung out with and all the arcs you got--too cool! Thanks so much for sharing and including all the details!

  23. Sounds like you had a wonderful time! It was great to see you at the Scholastic tour, though we didn't have any time to chat. Maybe next time!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  24. and you were still so articulate and amazing by the time I met up with you on Friday. This sounds like a truly incredible week, Lenore.

  25. It was so great meeting you! And looks like you had a wonderful time before BEA!

  26. It was great to meet you I'm NYC! I'm having such fun reading everyone's recaps. My first one went up today (sorry I can't link- I'm commenting from my phone ).

  27. Sounds and looks like so much fun. Thanks for giving us a peek into the fun you had at BEA.

  28. It was awesome to meet you -- even without chocolate (grin)! Looks like you had an amazing pre-BEA in NYC.

  29. I totally forgot about the Tyra and Vaseline thing and just watched it. It was so good to see you again and spend a little time with you and to finally meet Daniel!

  30. It was great to finally meet you in person (Daniel as well!). Hopefully you'll make it to the DC area at some point and we can hang out again!

  31. awesome that you had a great time at BEA. I'm so jealous! :D Plus a chance to tour the offices of Random House & Scholastic & Harper Collins *drool*

    Are you going to next year's event too? =)

  32. p.s. I also got 16 out of 20 smiles correct

  33. Wow, you were very busy...I got a copy of THE DEADLY SISTER as well and cannot wait to dive into it.

  34. Looks like a trip well worth it. I took the smile test and only got 13 :(

  35. I don't know which part I would have loved more. Are you sure you didn't just come back from heaven recently, and not BEA? :)


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