Tuesday, June 8, 2010

BEA 2010 Recap 2: Tuesday and Wednesday

Read Part 1 of my BEA recap.

On Tuesday, I started off the day at MacMillan for a tour with the awesome Ksenia Winnicki. This is also where I got to meet Angie from Angieville for the first time. Ksenia showed us around the narrow offices (they are located in the Flatiron Building) and gave us a bag full of books and swag. Probably the book I’m most excited about from the bag is HALO by Alexandra Adornetto. We also met Amy, Nicole and Natasha there, so afterwards we all decided to eat brunch at a diner. Daniel ordered carrot juice because Nicole did, but soon discovered he was allergic to it! So Nicole got to enjoy a double dose.

Angie and I continued on to Penguin (on our way we discussed our love for Gen from THE THIEF by Megan Whelan Turner) - but just the adult division. I confess I would’ve preferred to visit the children’s/YA offices, but they are located in a whole different building. In the lobby I met Wendy (Caribousmom) and Deborah (Books, Movies and Chinese Food), as well as a bunch of other bloggers (sorry for my bad memory). We split into three groups. Our designated publicist took us around a few floors, showed us the Penguin reviewers database (I was in it, yay!), and let us loose in the Viking book closet.
She “sold” us Paolo Giordano’s book THE SOLITUDE OF PRIME NUMBERS by showing us the author’s photo (he’s hot!). After that, we gathered in a meeting room with the other groups and introduced ourselves one by one. I had to slip out early though because Daniel and I were meeting up with Author Lauren Mechling for a tour of the Wall Street Journal (amazing place) and for lunch.

It was so much fun to talk to Lauren about books, publishing, her upcoming wedding, her uncanny resemblance to actress Rena Sofer and her new venture on Slate (the serial novel MY DARKLYNG). We got a picture together, but I looked so ridiculous, I had to crop myself out (yes, Sarah, I was in the dreaded foreground). Sorry!
Lauren and Daniel

After lunch, Daniel went to HarperCollins to meet with his editor. The author of his book, Audrey Vernick, was also there so they got to meet for the first time. While he was there, he signed a bunch of copies of IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? and turned in the final artwork for the sequel, TEACH YOUR BUFFALO TO PLAY DRUMS.

Meanwhile, I met up with Kathy (Bermuda Onion) and Julie (Booking Mama) at the M&Ms store. I was hoping to score Mint M&Ms, but no luck. Kathy, Julie and I talked and laughed as we trekked the 14 blocks and 3 avenues to the Javits to pick up our badges and attend the Editor’s Buzz for adult titles. While in line, I got to meet Candace from Beth Fish Reads finally, but didn’t have my German chocolate with me (this would happen to me repeatedly, meaning Candace never got her chocolate…oh no!). We were a little worried we wouldn’t get a seat, but we did, towards the back, which turned out to our advantage later.

If you want to know a little more about the 6 books presented, Candace has a great write up about them on Beth Fish Reads. While the last editor was wrapping up, Julie, Kathy and I ducked out to get first crack at the ARC tables. I ended up picking up copies of ROOM by Emma Donaghue (I’ve already started it and the voice is sensational) and THE EMPEROR OF ALL MALADIES: A BIOGRAPHY OF CANCER by Siddhartha Mukherjee. I dared Julie to get THE EVOLUTION OF BRUNO LITTLEMORE by Benjamin Hale (the book with a monkey/human sex scene) but she wouldn’t bite.

Then Daniel and I met up again to go to the Class of 2010 signing at Books of Wonder. I met a whole slew of bloggers and authors here too, but my most memorable chat was with Shannon Delany, author of 13 TO LIFE, when she assured me that there was no werewolf sex to be found in her book. A group of us went afterwards to Rosa Mexicana (I love their guac!) but were too many to fit at one table. Daniel and I ended up at a table with Esme (Chocolate and Croissants) and Vania (Reverie Book Reviews). I loved hearing all the behind the scenes drama of Vania’s book trailer business (Vania’s Life Captures). She’s so much fun! Oh, and I should have gotten her to take a pic of us together, because the one I had taken with my camera did not turn out…like AT ALL. Next time!

Wednesday Daniel and I met up with Bri (Bri Meets Books) for breakfast, and she asked, casually, if Chelsea Campbell (author of THE RISE OF RENEGADE X) could join us. OMG – yes! Bri and Chelsea were dryly entertaining, and a perfect start to a BEA day. And because the Tick Tock Diner would not let us split our check (and neither Bri nor Chelsea had cash on them), I got to treat them.

Daniel and I booked it to the Javits and met Angie going in. We had to stop off at Chronicle first, because usually they have the best tote bags. I picked up PRISONERS IN THE PALACE by Michaela MacColl, which looks good. From there, we went on to Candlewick where I got a copy of STORK by Wendy Delsol. Then I went to Richard Peck’s signing and got THREE QUARTERS DEAD.

At this point, I sent Daniel off to Marla Frazee’s BOSS BABY signing and I went to the YA dystopias panel. Initially, I thought it would just be Ally Condie (MATCHED, which I am reading now) and Adam Dunn (RIVERS OF GOLD) but Lesley Hague (NOMANSLAND) and Sigrid Nunez (SALVATION CITY) were also on stage. I ended up getting all but Lesley’s book and got them all signed after the panel. The panel itself was a tad uneven, but still fascinating. I’ll probably wait to do a write-up (based on my copious notes) until Dystopian August – unless you all just can’t wait that long.

I went around the booths some more before heading to the Harlequin Teen signing. This was total chaos! A line had built up, snaking around single file for miles (it seemed) but once the authors arrived, everyone just made a mad dash for the front, making a lot of people very angry. I managed to meet Rachel Vincent and get MY SOUL TO KEEP signed – after being shoved around a bit. Craziness!

I next went to Mitali Perkins signing of BAMBOO PEOPLE and Alison Winn Scotch’s signing of THE ONE THAT I WANT. While in line for Alison’s book, I met Melissa (Sweet on Books) and noticed that Paul O. Zelinsky was signing his new picture book DUST DEVIL, so I had to get a copy of that too (and say hi).

I ran into Trish (Hey Lady!) and we visited a few more booths before meeting Jennifer Hart at Harper Collins to go to meet Adriana Trigiani and 4 other bloggers for the tea we won at Alice’s Teacup. I was a bit bummed to miss signings for Lemony Snicket, Lauren Oliver and Diana Peterfreund (Daniel stood in line for me to get ASCENDANT though), but what an experience! Adriana is so warm and welcoming, she made us all instantly feel like we were hanging out with a long-time friend. She told us stories, asked us about our lives and blogs, and insisted we try the pumpkin scones (to die for!). Sheila (Book Journey) has a great recap if you’re interested in hearing more and seeing lots of pictures!

Kathy, Julie, me, Adriana, Sheila, Dawn (She's Too Fond of Books), Trish, Jennifer

After dropping my bags of books off at the hotel, I walked to the Algonquin to HarperCollins’ blogger bash. I was so exhausted, I found a nice spot to sit next to Sharon (Sharon Loves Books and Cats), Laura (Laura’s Review Bookshelf) and Donna (Bites), and didn’t move the rest of the night, making people come to me. We were soon joined by Angie and Janice (Janicu’s Book Blog) and then visited by a ton of different bloggers including both of the Book Smugglers (Ana and Thea) and “my enemy Amy”. I also got to meet Marie (The Boston Bibliophile) and many others.

Me, Angie, Ana, Janice, Thea (photo curtesy of Angie)

As the party wound down, Donna gathered up a group of us and we took a subway to Max Brenner’s to indulge in some decadent chocolate creations. Unfortunately, we filled up on non chocolate, and didn’t end up even getting desert. Oh well!

April (Good Books, Good Wine), Laura, Donna, Alea, Erica (The Book Cellar) and Gail.

I shared a taxi with April and crawled into bed to get rest up for the next day’s adventures.

Stay tuned for more BEA recap! Coming soon…


  1. Thank you for such a detailed recap of BEA -- I'm experiencing it viscerally through reading this. It sounds so fun. :)

  2. This is so wonderful.

    Next year, come heck or high water, I'm at BEA.

    Will you have a donut with me then? :0D

  3. Wow, you really had a full day! It was so good to get to spend some time with you this year!

  4. Oh my goodness, my feet hurt all over again just reading your post! You managed to squeeze an awful lot in while having tons of fun. You'll have to share your secret with me for next year!

  5. It's amazing to read just how different all our days were! I forgot about the M&M store entirely, mmm...

  6. At least the photo's far away enough that you can't see how tired I am. I was worried about that shot as my contacts kept sticking to my eyeballs.

  7. I love reading all these recaps because everyone did something just a little bit different! It was so fun meeting you...wish we'd had more time to chat a bit. That is my only regret - the whole thing was such a whirlwind that before I knew it we were boarding our plane home!

  8. You had an awesome jam packed day!! Loved the photos and that book closet...oh my, I would still be in there!

  9. That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could have gone. Meeting all the bloggers would be awesome.

  10. What a wonderful recap! It sounds like you had an amazing time and got to meet some other really wonderful bloggers and publishers. I hope that I can attend next year because it looks like it's a blast!!

  11. It was so great to meet you at BEA, Lenore! And you did some serious cool things.

  12. Sob!!! I was not destined to get my chocolate!

    I'm tired just reading about everything you did! But at least we met this year -- I don't think we even go a glimpse of each other last year. LOL.

  13. Wow, it looks so action packed. I cannot wait to see what you think of Halo. I want that to be DIVINE!!!

  14. Amazing recap, and I SOOOO wish I had known about the Lauren Mechling thing because I had been emailing her a bit about meeting up in person but we never did, especially since I'm playing a part in My Darklyng (I think; she made me take photos of myself for something having to do with it, lol). :(

    But then again, I'd have missed lunch with Chelsea Campbell and Anastasia Hopcus...

    But I also would've missed the horrific tea party we went to...

    *sigh* Just too much to do and people to see!! Hopefully next year, Lauren and I can hang out.

    And yes, that Paolo Giordano was hot. I did not grab a copy, though I'm hoping my library has it. You know what they should have done? Put his photo on the back cover- that would have been MUCH better, lol.

    Also, so jealous you got Stork! And (for the love of God) WHY is there a monkey/human sex scene in a book?!

  15. Great recap! Boy, they had you running around, and that's good. I just put up a mini-recap of some BEA stuff today, too...it was so hectic that it took this long!

  16. Holy cow were you busy! I thought I was busy! Again we only chatted for a wee bit, but it was good to see you again.

  17. You went to the Tick Tock! That's awesome. I've dragged husband there when we were East. He needed to see what a real diner looked like.

  18. Daniel was very nice to get that book for you. Who said BEA couldn't be romantic? :D

  19. um yes, as a one time taster of the amazing pumpkin scone I can tell you the hubby and I often wish we could get some fedexed to us once in awhile!

  20. What an exciting week - BEA is great on its own, but you had the extra excitement of Daniel's pre-release busyness!

    Lauren really DOES look like Rena Sofer (whatever happened to her? off to google ...)


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