Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday (108) = Picture of Emmy ... oh, wait that's Finn again

We find Finn relaxing in the strangest places...

Yes, our flowers are long dead.


  1. OK, thank you. Not only do I enjoy your kitteh pictures, now my daughter is into it. Not long ago, we had to dig through the archives to see them all. We do love our felines.

  2. Your cats are so beautiful. I just love Tuesdays here.

  3. Heh. I love how they get in to the funniest things and then make it look comfortable! How crazy!

  4. That is such a typical cat thing to do!

    Beautiful kitty, as always :-).

    No problem on the donuts. Hopefully next time.

  5. Finn looks so adorable curled up in there. :D

  6. I love the crazy places that cats end up in!!

  7. LOL - I love these photos...he looks so content even though he is crammed in there.

    Psssst....so glad I got to meet you in NYC!

  8. I adore that about cats- they can make themselves comfortable absolutely anywhere. I envy them for that. Thank you for sharing your kitty pictures, they ALWAYS make me smile. :)

  9. One of the cutest pictures yet . . . if that's possible. :)

  10. These pictures seem to get cuter and cuter each week!

  11. Seriously, how do you catch them doing all these adorable things? I had a cat fourteen years and she never went to sleep in a flower pot! As ever the kittehs are adorable.

  12. Finny is just as pretty as a flower.

  13. Finn finds the craziest places to sleep!


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