Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday (110) = Picture of Emmy ... oh, wait that's Finn again

If I ever leave my drawers open...

...I get an unwanted guest. BTW - Emmy is in there too, behind the pulled-out drawer. I had to pull it out all the way to get her out.


  1. My mom slept in my grandparents bottom dresser drawer for the first few months of her life. Open, of course, and lined with blankets. I'm sure its a very cozy little spot, if you're small enough to fit in.

    Hope you like your jeans with an extra helping of kitty hair! =)

  2. Awwww...and good thing you know that Emmy likes to hide inside (I hope you and Daniel didn't find that out the hard way!)

  3. He looks so, so adorable. His squinty eyes! :D

  4. Can they open the drawer, too?

    If I leave my dresser drawers open even a fraction of an inch - just big enough for a kitty toe or two - then my stripy furball Chaucer can work the drawer open so he and fat kitty Dante can then snuggle in the drawer.

    My knickers and socks have cat hair on them! :D Oh, the joys have having cats.

  5. And that's why cats are such fun pets!

  6. Yes, mine can open the drawers, then get in and crawl behind. Everyone in the house is on alert when they see mysteriously opened drawers. We don't want any squished kittehs.

  7. Angela - We found out Emmy liked to squeeze behind drawers when she disapeared one day and we couldn't find her anywhere. We didn't squish her!

    Melissa - They can open some drawers, if there isn't much inside, but most of ours are stuffed full, so mostly not.

  8. Hahahaha--my cats are just as bad!

  9. He looks so sweet and adorable, curled up like that.

  10. My cat, Hannah, always tries to climb in my dresser. So far I haven't forgotten to close it so she can, but she's eyeing it :)

  11. Awwww, how cute. Cats do love drawers - lol.

  12. I think that Emmy just doesn't like to be obvious. She's a where's waldo kind of girl.

  13. Heh, my cats do that as well. So cute!

  14. Our cats do that too! I wonder what it is about an open drawer that so entices the kitties??

  15. LOL Too cute! I love how cats do that - well, until I pull out my clothes and see all the cat hair! LOL ICK.

  16. He folded himself up to fit in the draw...too cute!

  17. all these cats look alike. ;-)

    what if you had tried to shut the drawer with that other one behind it? Eeek!

  18. LOVE!!! <3 Good thing they make lint rollers, huh? I have the same problem. :)

  19. My cat does that too! I guess she thinks my clothes look better covered with fur.


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