Saturday, July 31, 2010

Buffalo in the Wild: Your contest entries!

As part of launch week celebrations for IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? by Audrey Vernick, illustrated by Daniel Jennewein, I posted a bunch of pictures showing the Buffalo taking on the world. Then I asked you to take a picture of Buffalo in your corner of the globe, and the response was great! Today I am going to share some of my favorites.

Kristen M of We Be Reading and her son took the Buffalo to the Seattle zoo and she sent a whole series of photos showing Buffalo interacting with the animals there. Here's one of Buffalo and a polar bear.

Jude and Madeleine of Kansas took their Buffalos to the Kansas Cosmophere (among other places including the library and their 4th of July party). Here's one in front of a piece of the Berlin Wall - am I seeing double?

Julie of Ohio took her Buffalo to help her pick out music for her stint as a guest DJ at a Colombus alternative radio station. Julie says Buffalo especially enjoyed LCD Soundsystem's music.

Bridget is a librarian at Tennessee Wesleyan College Merner Pfeiffer Library and sent this cool collage of what Buffalo did one day.

Janelle of Brimful Curiosities sends her daughter's vision of a rainbow colored Buffalo.

And finally, Kathy of Bermudaonion shared this picture of her husband Carl and dog Milou enjoying Buffalo's story at their home in South Carolina.

Via a random drawing, Daniel picked Bridget as the winner of the Buffalo book signed by Daniel and the $20 Amazon gift card! But my other 5 finalists here are all winners too - of a personalized, signed bookplate. I'll be in touch about getting your mailing addresses.

Let me know about YOUR Buffalo sightings in the comments!

Oh, and congrats to Audrey & Daniel on their starred review in Publisher's Weekly!


  1. I'm glad Daniel used a random draw because you would never have been able to pick a winner otherwise! Congratulations Bridget!

  2. Hurray for me, but what great entries! I really like Buffalo with the polar bear.

  3. All of the entries were really cute. Congrats Bridget!

  4. Thanks for running this contest. It was really fun!

  5. Bummer I missed out on this (I must have been rambling around in Indiana) but how cute! I love Milou listening intently to his story!

  6. Hey!
    I'm a big fan of your blog and I especially love your advice section, it's packed full of great stuff. I was recently given the Versatile Blogger Award, and I'd like to pass it on to you, as you always have varied and interesting content =)
    Happy Blogging,
    Rachel Star.

  7. So kind of you to include my daughter's picture! She'll be thrilled when I show her. I enjoyed looking at the other photos you featured, too. What fun places Buffalo visited.

    As far as the rainbow colored look -- I'm not sure it was her intention but maybe the buffalo ended up getting paint all over his face after a particularly messy finger painting session!

  8. Thank you for sending us all these great pictures. I really enjoyed them.

  9. Big conrats to Daniel and Bridget for the starred review, that is amazing!!

    I just love that picture with the polar bear, because it so looks like he's looking at the Buffalo like "what are YOU doing here?!" great entries!

  10. This is such a cute contest. I loved seeing all the pictures. Congrats to your winner!

  11. HA! Great picture of Buffalo hanging out with the Polar bear. Awesome! :)

  12. I love the photos and ideas everyone came up with


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