Friday, July 2, 2010

The one where I register for Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2010

The third annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week is to be held this year from September 13th-17th. It's a great week of celebrating everything that's awesome about book blogging. This year, everyone is invited to register their blogs for the week and to choose a niche category that best represents their blog. Part of this process is picking out 5 posts that you feel best represent your blog for awards consideration (optional).

Although I have very eclectic taste (and was in fact shortlisted for Most Eclectic Taste during last year's BBAW proceedings), my blog is most associated with reviewing Young Adult books.

Here are some of my favorite posts from the past year for consideration in Best Young Adult Book Blog:

Review: Liar by Justine Larbalestier
Review: Lips Touch by Laini Taylor
Review: Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
Interview: Lauren Bjorkman
International Book Blogger Mentor Program Featured Bloggers (2)

I'm also quite proud of my interviews and would love to be considered in the Best Author Interview category:

Interview: Lauren Bjorkman
Interview: Patrick Ness
Interview: Diana Peterfreund
Interview: Mary E. Pearson
Interview: Thomas Randall

Hope you'll register too!


  1. Love your blog & will be rocking the vote.

  2. Good luck to you Lenore! I think that's a good category for you.

  3. Good luck in the competition! Your blog is nice and you do great interviews.

    I just did my entry yesterday for best new blog. I guess we both waited until the last minute.

  4. You are an incredible YA blog...I wish you much luck!

  5. Good luck Lenore. I really enjoy your blog!

  6. Yay! Glad to see you registered. Good luck!

  7. Best of luck! And I think next year there should be a best kitty/book combo blog. ;)

  8. Good luck (not that you need it)! ^_^ Ironically enough, I put my site in for the 'Eclectic''s a small blogoverse after all... happy reading!

  9. Hi Lenore, Many thanks for visiting me over at Pen and Paper. Nice to have met you, I've enjoyed visiting.

  10. Good luck - not that you need it!

  11. i think i read about that yesterday on nyt

  12. Congratulations!! You are definitely deserving!


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