Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dystopian August Week 1 Recap + News

As week one of Dystopian August comes to a close, I want to thank everyone who stopped by, both those who have lurked and those who have participated in the discussions. Thanks too to those who have posted about this fun theme month on their blogs.

Here's a quick recap of what's happened so far.

5 book reviews
Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi gets 4 Zombie Chickens
Nomansland by Lesley Hauge gets 3 Zombie Chickens
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan gets 3 Zombie Chickens
Z for Zachariah gets 2 Zombie Chickens
Carbon Diaries by Saci Lloyd gets 2 Zombie Chickens

2 author interviews
Paolo Bacigalupi discusses Ship Breaker
Lesley Hauge discusses Nomansland

2 giveaways (still open)
Win one of 3 copies of Ship Breaker
Win a 6 pack of dystopian books from MacMillan

1 installment of Dystopian Reader Views
Discussion: What fascinates you about the genre?

Some highlights coming up this week:
My first 5 Zombie Chicken review of August, and my first 1 Zombie Chicken review of August. An interview with a debut author who never intended for her book to be dystopian, more book giveaways, a look at plausability in dystopian lit, and a preview of upcoming dystopian works by debut authors.  Enjoy!

Dystopian News:

Have you read this New Yorker article about the popularity of YA dystopian lit?

Look at all the marketing Scholastic is doing for Mockingjay - via Publisher's Weekly (they did get one fact wrong - Nicole is District 3, not 13).

Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and Tally Youngblood from Uglies are pairing up to compete in the YA Fantasy Showdown, starting August 10th. May our favorite dystopian girls kick butt!

What's been your favorite part of Dystopian August so far?  Have you read any dystopian lit yet this August?  Planning to?


  1. A great first week. Can't wait to see what's to come. =)

  2. 5 zombie chickens and 1 zombie chicken?! the suspense is killing me.

  3. So enjoying "Dystopian August" - a great theme. Only trouble is it's already making me add too many books to my to-read list. And it's only week 1 :) Thanks! - Stasia

  4. Really enjoying Dystopian August so far and looking forward to your discussion about plausability; it can definitely make or break a Dystopian genre book in my humble opinion.

  5. you know me, I'm a lurker, since this is not the kind of book I read. But I do read all your reviews and love the zombie chickens!

  6. I unfortunately missed the first week, so I'm reading through the reviews/posts now. I'm enjoying them greatly!

  7. I am SO in awe of this!!! LOVE IT ALL! And thanks for the NY Times article--I'd not seen that before.

  8. I have a confession to make- I haven't read Catching Fire yet! So, I'll definitely be reading and reviewing that for my dystopian book.

  9. I'm looking forward to next week! O wait it is next week...lets hope I can keep on track now!


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