Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dystopian August Week 2 Recap + News

Can you believe Dystopian August is nearly halfway over? Let's take a quick look at what went down in week 2.

6 book reviews

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness gets 5 Zombie Chickens
Gone by Michael Grant gets 3 Zombie Chickens
Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony gets 3 Zombie Chickens
Green Angel by Alice Hoffman gets 3  Zombie Chickens
The Blending Time by Michael Kinch gets 3 Zombie Chickens
This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer gets 1 Zombie Chicken

1 author interview

Joelle Anthony discusses Restoring Harmony

1 preview post

Upcoming debut dystopias from the League of Extraordinary Writers

3 still open giveaways

Win the first three books in Michael Grant's Gone SeriesWin one of 3 copies of Ship Breaker
Win a 6 pack of dystopian books from MacMillan

1 installment of Dystopian Reader Views

Discussion: What about plausibility?

Some highlights coming up this week:

More reviews, interviews, book giveways, and a look at kick a$$ characters in dystopian lit. Enjoy!

Dystopian News:

Katniss Everdeen beat Tally Youngblood in the YA Fantasy Showdown and now faces Astrid from Diana Peterfreund's Rampant series.  Sam Templeton (from Michael Grant's Gone) lost his bracket to Percy Jackson.  Might be a bit more of a popularity contest than a test of actual fighting skills!
Sara over at the First Novels Club does The Hunger Games: Disney Princess Style.
Sara also discusses whether or not she could survive the dystopian worlds of The Hunger Games, Uglies and Inside Out.
My Friend Amy discusses Women, Children and the Apocalypse.
Flavorwire offers a quiz for you to find out which dystopian future is right for you.
Hope you are continuing to enjoy Dystopian August!


  1. So many wonderful reviews and interviews to read. Great event!

    From the Shadows

  2. That Patrick Ness series is something I have to read...soon. I have no earthly clue when I will have time, but it is high priority. You are doing such a great job with this. You are making me tired!

  3. Oh cool. I liked The Uglies series.

  4. I'm working on The Ask and The Answer right now. It's awesome!

  5. Thank you for the post mentions! Your Dystopian stuff has been awesome this month, thanks for all the great posts!

  6. I will have to nose around these posts you list here. I wish I would have got more involved in this. Lots of interesting stuff going on.

  7. I'm so glad you posted this update post - I missed everything while my daughter was in the hospital this week. Off to catch up!

  8. Katniss will destroy poor Astrid, in that Katniss is a killer and Astrid abhors all violence toward other humans.


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