Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Book Review: Nevermore by Kelly Creagh

I went into this not knowing it is the first book of a planned triology...so when I got close to the end, I was all like "No way this can wrap up everything now...uh...oh...is this a SERIES?!!!?"

Now that I got that out of the way...

Obviously, I HAD to read this novel, what with my name being so associated with Poe and all. I was a bit afraid that it would be too scary for me, but though it was creepy quite a bit, it never felt like horror to me. So ok.

Honestly, I could have done without the "paranormal" part of the plot. The whole "dream world" part was often too fantasy for my taste and the transitions were not as seamless as I would have liked.

What I LOVED was the exploration of a relationship between two people who ordinarily would never have anything to do with each other. Isobel is a peppy cheerleader better at dating the star of the football team than at schoolwork. Varen is a sullen goth type who barely talks and never smiles.

When the two of them are thrown together for a school English project, both are properly horrified. But as they get to know the real person under the sterotype, they warm to each other.

I liked that there were stakes to the plot, and that the characters took them seriously. I also really liked many of the supporting characters such as Isobel's brother and schoolmate Gwen.

Poe is integrated well and the final project presentation is hilarious! One of my favorite scenes.

NEVERMORE is out in hardcover now.  Find out more on the author's very awesome website.


  1. Oh for crying out loud...another series? Can't we just fulfill all of our needs with ONE BOOK??? It is all about marketing and making more money I think, but I buy into it every time.

  2. Sandy - I have never read so many different series books in my life! Sure I read a lot of series books as a tween, but they were all books in a few series (SVH, BSC, etc).

  3. I will definitely be reading this book! Poe's poems were some of the first poems I've ever heard. Reading The Raven to a eight year old is a sure way to make sure they keep the light on at night, that's for sure!

  4. I didn't know it was part of a series! Awesome! I can't wait to read this. Lovely review.

  5. This is the second time that cover has unexpectedly reared its head on my Google Reader. Like last time, I burst out laughing as soon as it opened.

  6. I want to read this. Not alone is the cover great, the whole description makes me want to grab it and run to a quite place to read it. It sounds sooo good. Great review!

  7. I am in the middle of a series right now, and although I am loving it immensely, I have to agree with Sandy on this one. Series are often just too much for me these days, and the waiting aspects also drives me mad. All that being said, this book does sound rather interesting and like something I would really like! Thanks for the great review, Lenore!

  8. Thanks for the insightful review. I didn't know this was a planned series either so that will help when I sit down to read it.

  9. Hmm. This wasn't on my radar but now I am intrigued. Maybe I will wait till the whole trilogy is out though before I think about starting.

  10. This could've made a good standalone, I think, instead of ending the way it did. Oh well. I was more lukewarm to this book than you but I understand where you're coming from.

    Also, if you're reading for your name, you should check out PLAIN KATE by Erin Bow in case you haven't yet. ;)

  11. Steph - I would've preferred it to be a standalone too!

    Thanks for the tip. I do have Plain Kate in my pile.

  12. Probably not the book for me with dream world and paranormal aspects to it.

  13. It does appear everything is a series these days in YA SFF. This is one I've been toying with putting on the wish list as it has such an interesting premise.

  14. Not sure if I can start another YA book that can't stand on its own. Way too frustrating! I'm simply not that patient.

  15. I was in a play a hundred years ago, and my character had to recite The Raven each night of the run. Whenever I hear your name, I think of Poe!

  16. Sounds like my kinda book. Unfortunately I cannot pick up at trilogy unless the second one is out and the third on its way. I'm way tooo impatient.

  17. Sounds like an interesting read! I'll definitely have to check it out! :)

  18. Hmmmm, I don't know about this one given your initial comments. Might have to take a wait and see attitude.

  19. *Gulp* As a writer of a series I would like wade into the "why a series???" debate. It's not about the money! (At least not for me.) It's about this wonderful world you've created and wanting to spend as much delicious time in it as possible. A series lets you get really involved, create side plots, have a good play with the whole thing. Because writing is basically playing with dolls. In your head. And we all remember how much fun playing with dolls used to be, right? Yes I made my Barbie and Ken dolls smooch...

  20. Rhi - Don't get me wrong...if I KNOW I am going into a series, it's a different thing. I just keep picking up books I think are standalones and then find out at the end that they are series. Kind of frustrating!!

  21. I ordered this one the other day. I LOVE Edgar Allan Poe, and I've heard a few good things about Nevermore, so I can't wait to read it!

  22. Yes that is SO frustrating. I actually had that with THG and practically threw it against the wall when I finished it!

  23. I just got my copy of this one, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it!

    I used to prefer series over stand alone books, but these days, I feel like every time I get interested in a book, I discover it's the 2nd, 3rd, 11th book of a series. Ugh!

  24. I hate that books are not always very clear about whether they are part of a series or not. It should be a book rule that it has to say what series it is part of and what book it is in the series. It just makes sense to me! Why should people have to guess?
