Thursday, October 28, 2010

Book Review: Either You're In or You're In the Way by Logan and Noah Miller

Twin brothers Logan and Noah Miller set out to fulfill a promise to their father to make a movie about his life after his death from alcoholism – and to get Ed Harris to play the lead. It’s a big promise, especially considering making a movie isn’t cheap and the Miller brothers don’t have any money. But what they do have is persistence, a polished script and a few helpful connections from their pro baseball days.

Logan and Noah have a very friendly, conversational way of writing, so that you feel like you’re sitting with them at a bar, listening to them tell you the inspiring story behind the making of TOUCHING HOME. And the story’s a great one, especially if you are a root for the underdog type. The twins have plenty of successes (such as getting a young filmmaker’s grant to help pay for equipment), but a lot of setbacks too (including hiring some of the wrong people for their crew).

I most enjoyed reading about the twins filmed Colorado Rockies spring training footage without permission, how they “ambushed” Ed Harris to get a meeting with him, and how their various meetings with industry people went as they tried to get a crew and financing for the film.

This is very much a behind the scenes look at the process behind filmmaking, so if you haven’t seen the movie like I haven’t, then you might miss some emotional connection to why the twins wanted so badly to make a film about their father. I assume that’s covered in the film itself, which was out in limited release this past summer and will be coming to video on January 4th.

Despite that, I really enjoyed this inside look at making a movie on a small budget, and I look very much forward to buying and watching TOUCHING HOME as soon as it’s available early next year.

EITHER YOU’RE IN OR YOU’RE IN THE WAY is out in paperback now. Find out more it and see an author introduction video as well as the movie trailer at the official website.


  1. What an interesting story! I think the anecdotes and adventures along the way for an ultimate goal like this is fantastic!

    I think Ed Harris would be a great choice to play anyone. He's fabulous.

  2. These guys have been the talk of the film industry. I haven't seen the movie or read the book, but I do admire them for their moxie.

  3. I haven't seen the movie but I've wanted to read this every since Amy and Julie reviewed it.

  4. I hadn't heard of the movie or the story behind it, but then again, I am sadly behind when it comes to films and film news. This does sound really interesting, and I think it would be cool to first read the book and then see the movie. Great review, Lenore! This is the first time I have heard this book mentioned.

  5. So sad that there exists a legion of brave people out there whose parents abandoned them for the bottle.

  6. I've been curious about the movie and the book. I've seen the two on several TV shows.

  7. I read this one back in spring and really enjoyed it as well. The writing style felt unique, like it really expressed personality.

  8. I've never even heard of the movie, but now I'm so intrigued ... sounds like a good book (and probably a good movie too!). Thanks for the review!

  9. This looks like tons of fun and is totally not normally my thing. Thanks for reviewing!


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