Wednesday, October 20, 2010

International Book Blogger Mentor Program Featured Bloggers (4)

After a long hiatus to due a variety of reasons, the IBBMP 2010 is back!  Today I am introducing my summer mentors and mentees - long overdue, I know!

First up we have Nina of J'adore Happy Endings who lives in The Netherlands.  She was very excited about the books I sent, diving into Janette's Rallison's MY DOUBLE LIFE and recommending it to her readers as the perfect summer read. Check out her full review! She also adored Kimberly Derting's THE BODY FINDER, saying it "has all the right amounts of ingredients to keep a reader like me glued to the pages."  Nina has a very active blog and following, and if you don't know her, you should definitely stop by.


Steph Su mentored Austria-based Gita of The Reading Nomad. Gita read and had mixed feelings about S.A. Bodeen's THE GARDENER. She enjoyed the character of Mason but felt the romance aspect was unbelievable.  Read her full review and encourage her to blog more often!


My Friend Amy exceeded all of Joan's (Rabbit High) expectations as an IBBMP mentor - she sent the Mexico-based book blogger 7 books!  Joan was especially excited to read Maggie Steifvater's LINGER and said, "Linger was as beautiful as Shiver and the characters continued to develop and grow accordingly."  Read the rest of Joan's LINGER review.

Joan will be attending university in Korea come January, so let's all tell her we hope she can find time to keep blogging about books!


Ivana from Croatia who blogs at Willing to See Less. Ivana chose 3 books from my pile and already reviewed all three as well.  She gave 5/5 stars to Lauren Oliver's BEFORE I FALL and now counts it as one of her favorite books.  She also gave 5/5 stars to Chevy Stevens' STILL MISSING and urges all her readers to drop what they are doing and get it now!

Here's an excerpt of Ivana's review of Ninni Holmqvist's THE UNIT:

THE UNIT raises millions of questions about the morality of organ donation, freedom, love, aging, democracy. Is it fair to "force" single people to be dissected in favor of someone who has "better" reasons to live? What makes an individual a worthy member of the society? Who has the right to decide that maybe I'm not? Is it a free choice if we're not forced to do something, but there's no alternative, and so we have to accept what we're offered? Do the faults of a system devalue the benefits and vice versa, do we tolerate the bad stuff to exploit the good ones? And just how easily does it all get out of hand?

Read the rest of her review - really thought-provoking points.  Leave her a comment and encourage her to continue book blogging.  I love her unique view on things.


That's all for now!  Hopefully my next IBBMP posting won't be too far away.


  1. I love the idea of this program- it can be really hard being an international blogger. So, Lenore, you're just amazing really :)

  2. What a wonderful program! This is the first I've read about it, but I look forward to future updates.

  3. Thanks for featuring so many international bloggers - I blog from Belgium and it's always nice to visit others who are in Europe - and beyond.

  4. Excited to see this program still going strong!

  5. This is such an awesome program!


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