Friday, November 5, 2010

Book Review: Life After Yes by Aidan Donnelley Rowley

Quinn has just gotten engaged – on a whirlwind trip to Paris no less – to her boyfriend Sage. She has a big diamond ring on her finger – so why isn’t she giddy? Does her lack of enthusiasm mean she shouldn’t get married? Is she allowed to have doubts about a happily ever after?

I don’t read a lot of “chick lit” but when I read a review of this at S Krishna Reads and she called it “quite literary” and recommended it, I commented that I would put it on my wishlist. And not 24 hours later, I had a review copy offer (which I accepted).

Quinn is a high powered career girl, a typical type for chick-lit, but she avoids the clichés of the genre – no discernable shoe fetish at least – and feels like a real person. It doesn’t take the typical plot path of the genre either – it definitely kept me guessing to whether Quinn and Sage would end up staying together or not.

The novel deals with weightier themes too – such as dealing with loss, taking responsibility, and finding true happiness – and does so with a light touch. There were a lot of relationship truths that made me smile. Such as “The one who holds the tickets is the caretaker, the protector, the adult.” (Guess who holds the tickets when Daniel and I travel?) And hey, you gotta love a book that quotes Charlotte’s Web!

LIFE AFTER YES is available in paperback now. Find out more about it at the author’s website.


  1. I'm going to guess that you hold the tickets. Carl and I each hold our own tickets, so now I'm wondering about us.

  2. I'm the ticket holder too; although I have to admit I always thought it was because I was the one with the purse... I like this explanation beter. :)

  3. Ticket holder here as well!

    The cover of this book is beautiful, but certainly gives the impression of chick lit, but sounds like the subject matter certainly is much deeper than that. Great review -- I love it when a book can change your initial opinion about it for the better!

  4. My husband holds the tickets, but I consider myself the caretaker! He holds the tickets so I can hold the boys' hands. I wonder what that means??

    I'm curious about this book, now, because, like you, I don't usually read chick lit.

  5. I don't read much chick-lit these days, but there was a time that I used to love it. I also read Swapna's review and was intrigued by this book. I also like the fact that there is some gravity to the book, and will be looking into it!

  6. Kathy -
    I guess you nuture each other :)

    Alison - If you have your hands full, it's good to have an extra set to help out!

  7. Oooh, I've been so YA lately that I'm neglecting my chick-lit love. I'll add this to my to-read list. Wooo!

  8. I loved this book and it definitely goes much deeper than your typical chick lit novel. I really enjoyed it!

    And, I'm also the ticket holder! ;) But, like Trisha said, I always thought it was because of the purse thing! LOL

  9. Sometimes a good chick lit book is just what the doctor ordered. Plus I love the cover of this book!

  10. I managed to read about half of this book before i had to put it down. I just couldn't do it.

  11. I DO love chick lit and "Life After Yes" sounds wonderful. Even if the story didn't sound so good, I would probably read it just for pure love of the cover. Thanks for sharing!

  12. This book has one of the most gorgeous covers I've seen in a long time. And the plot sounds so interesting. Thanks for the review!

  13. I received an ARC of this book and was very surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I hold the tickets in our house but my husband carries the luggage.

  14. ooh...I am putting this on my WL...and I hold the tickets :)

  15. Great review Lenore! It's waiting on my TBR pile, I'm looking forward to reading it. As for the ticket, we each take turns depending on what's convenient... what does that say about us? :)

  16. I'm not usually a big fan of chick lit, but I do think this looks a bit more interesting than most! And we share ticket holding duties; we mostly travel internationally and I hold the passports and he holds the tickets. So we share. :)


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