Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (5)

Finally, my dreams have come true.  Kitty piles!

Aren't they glorious?!


  1. Wow, that is just too cute. You're making me wish I had another cat, or two, or three so Hannah could be in cat piles too!

  2. I just want to dive right into the middle of them.

  3. We are kitties. We are cute, fluffy, and totally too adorable for words. We like sleeping on warm blankets and soft kitty beds. We also like making kitty piles :D Don't you love us??

    Oh yeah, we do. Bring on the kitty love.

  4. Adorable! I just got two tabby kittens four weeks ago. They are now 12 weeks old and always in a 2-kitty kitty pile. Like you, I cannot stop taking pictures of them!

  5. Kim - I wish I had even MOAR for bigger and better kitty piles. (j/k - at least I think I am)

  6. As I have whined a few times, mine won't get in piles. They want their own space. What have I done wrong as a kitty parent? Your piles are enviable...and we just knew it was going to happen eventually!

  7. Sandy - It only ever happens when the other two come to Emmy and she's too lazy to get up.

    The outside kitty pile lasted over an hour though, so I was pretty amazed.

  8. Oh my gosh, they are too precious for words!

  9. Love the kitty piles -- they are too cute. Makes me miss kitty piles in my house all the more though!

  10. They are seriously just too adorable!

  11. They're starting to look like a gang. ;) They're precious and I'm so glad they're all getting along!

  12. Jeanne pointed me your way -- love the kitty piles!

  13. So cute! All sleepy and fluffy....although that kitty bed might not be big enough for all three when the youngest are grown.... ;)

  14. LOVE kitten piles!! I love cat Tuesdays too! SO Adorbs.

  15. Ooh, they're just too adorable for words!

  16. Although I have no cats in my writing--not even a dog!--even I have to be charmed by those little squinty slits of sleeping eyes.

    All cats should be so lucky.

  17. Your kitties are so adorable. They make me wish that I wasn't allergic to cats!

  18. not only a perfectly adorable pile of lovey doveyness, but fantasticaly coordinated! That is one nice matched set of cuties. You're making me want to get three more!

  19. They are beyond precious! That's so sweet that they sit together like that. My three are sitting on the bed together now, but they're as far as way from each other as they can be!

  20. OMG! Sooo cute! Seriously, those photos are just oozing cuteness!

    ~Briana :D

  21. Completely adorable. Almost too cute!!!

  22. They truly are gorgeous, adorable little kitties! They look like they have such lovely and fluffy fur :-)

    Ladybug from Escape In A Book.

  23. OMG this is way too adorable to even be legal!

  24. OMG...they ALL get along? are they siblings? We are not so lucky with ours liking each other.

    so cute

  25. Love the kitty piles, and I am so envious of the relationship that your cats have! I wish mine liked each other, even just a little bit!

  26. Cuteness overload *head explodes*

  27. Diane - The kittens are half-siblings and grew up together. The older cat (Emmy) tolerates them, but I wouldn't say she LIKES them.

  28. Looks like they are enjoying each others company and keeping warm. They are so precious. I figured it wouldn't be that long. Cutie pies.


  29. So frickin' cute! Seems like I use your kitteh pictures for my computer wallpaper almost ALL the time :-)

  30. Yes, they are glorious and I'm in love with that pile of kitties!!!

  31. They are so cute! I've always been more of a short-hair cat person, but your kitties are making me think I need to get a long-hair cat someday.

  32. Oh I just want to dive into their pillow and snuggle with them. You are so fortunate to have them. :)

  33. That is a pile of serious cuteness. I have two short haired kitties, but my next must be a long haired. They’re precious!

  34. Oh, they are so sweet! Is Emmy adjusting to the little ones?

  35. Beautiful - I love when the animals cuddle. Of course, they cuddle more when the weather is colder...:)

  36. Those are some awesome kitty piles! :) Thanks for sharing.

  37. What could possibly go wrong with piles and piles o' kitties?

  38. I think I'm dying of cuteness. I can't wait to have my own pile of cats!

  39. Hooray for heaps of kitties! Lucky you! When we had 3, they never even stayed in the same room together. The two we have now are friends, but alas they don't snuggle with anyone but us.

  40. Aw!!! What gorgeous kitty piles they make! :D

  41. Oh, they are adorable Lenore. I'm so happy for you. I don't know if you've seen but I got myself a new little guy too. They are precious although little terrors as babies. lol.


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