Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (6)

We've discovered that Lu likes to sleep a lot - in the cutest positions!

Here he is by himself.

With Kaia.

And with Emmy.

Happy Cat Tuesday everyone!


  1. Aw, he really does sleep in the cutest positions!

  2. I just showed your pictures to my husband and we are discussing why you get kitty piles and we don't. Everything is a competition here in our house with the cats. I think we need to upgrade!

  3. That boy likes to be on his back! It's amazing how long a cat actually is, LOL, that first picture is fantastic.

  4. Awww! What a good way to start my day--looking at these little cuties. I've got good fuzzy feelings now :)

  5. Lu looks like quite the contortionist! What a cutie!

  6. Well, he likes a healthy stretch to his cute paws, the little one. Lol.

  7. Hahaha! He's pretty much and upside-down sleeper huh? I would love to get that comfortable lounging on the couch.

  8. Awwww, such a cute picture with Emmy.

  9. He just looks so comfortable, no matter who he is sleeping with, or where he is! So, so cute.

  10. oh god! he is sooo cute! I love him tucked in with Emmy! Looks like love to me.

  11. Sigh. Love your kitties. Nothing like a big pile of cute, fluffy softness to brighten a Tuesday :)

  12. They are so adorable! I especially like the second pic.

  13. I love the poses of sleeping kitties! They always make me feel sooo relaxed.

  14. Awwww, those pics are just priceless.

  15. I am always amazed at how cats can put themselves in just about any position!!

  16. He looks like a professional relaxer.

  17. I love all of the upside down sleeping pics!


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