Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 In Review: Movies and TV

Even though I don't usually blog about movies or tv, I do like my year end list summaries.

Green = Favorites of the year
Blue = Guilty pleasures
Red = Why did I watch this?!

2010 Movies I saw this year
Alice in Wonderland
The Other Guys (plane)
Salt (plane)
Date Night (plane)
The Book of Eli (on demand)
The Town
The A-Team (plane)
Knight & Day
Wall Street 2
Scott Pilgrim vs the World (on demand)
Going the Distance (plane)
Monsters (on demand)
Temple Grandin (plane)
Black Swan
Winter’s Bone (on demand)
Easy A (on demand)
Eat Pray Love (plane)
The Joneses (plane)

Total of 21 (3 less than last year)

Notable movies I saw in 2010 that were released before 2010

Rachel Getting Married (DVD)
A Serious Man
Whip it! (on demand)
Precious (plane)
Sherlock Holmes (DVD)
The Young Victoria (plane)
Crazy Heart (plane)
The Messenger

2010 movies I’d still like to see

127 Hours
Toy Story 3
The Social Network
True Grit
Resident Evil: Afterlife
The Kids Are All Right
Blue Valentine
The Fighter
Rabbit Hole

TV series I watched in 2010

Dexter – Season 4 & 5
Dollhouse – Season 2
Germany’s Next Top Model – Season 5
Lost – Season 6
Mad Men - Season 3 & 4
True Blood - Season 2

How was your year in movies?


  1. My favorite movie this year has got to be Inception. Most other movies I watched were old romantic comedies, and my favorites were some of Sandra Bullock. :)

  2. One of my guilty pleasures is watching America's Next Top Model, oh and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Making the Squad show (I think part of the fascination is that I was never a cheerleader myself and can't dance worth anything.)

    The only movies from your list that I've seen were Inception and Sherlock Holmes and I thought they were both alright.

    My absolute favorite tv show right now is Doctor Who.

  3. I just started watching Dexter and I am already obsessed! And I can NOT wait until the next season of True Blood!

  4. Emy - We were late to the theater and then could only see Inception in German. I think I would have liked it more if I had seen it in English!

    Alyce - I have seen some America's Next Top Model and it is addicting!

    Amanda - We are in the middle of True Blood season 3 right now.

  5. DEXTER! I just started watching it this year. I just finished season 2. SO SO good.

  6. I really enjoyed Inception, and The Social Network is excellent. There are alot of movies on your "still want to see" list that are on mine. Maybe we should get together and do a marathon!

  7. oh, The Other Guys made me laugh... :p
    I loved Inception and Harry Potter the most this year, i think... Social Network was also really good! and too many tv shows to name :p great list!

  8. Easy A was pretty fun. Much better than I thought it would be.

  9. Good call on Temple Grandin - I just watched it last night. Excellent acting on Claire Danes' part and the whole family ended up enjoying it!

  10. I loved Toy Story should watch that one soon!!!!

  11. Staci - Daniel put Toy Story 3 on his Christmas list (we're doing our exchange with my family at end of Jan) so maybe he'll get it!

  12. Toy story 3 was really cute but really sad. It is a must see.

  13. I am soooo with you on Splice! I had much higher expectations for that movie!


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