Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (12)

Emmy, Kaia and Lu wish you a happy 2011!

May you drink life to the fullest this year.


  1. Awwww! I have nothing more intelligent to say than that..

  2. I don't think our dog would ever drink like that! Happy New Year, Lenore!

  3. Bahahahaha Stella does this :)

    Thanks for making me laugh!

  4. And this is why I no longer ever take a glass of water to bed with me. Because as it sits on the nightstand it's too tempting to the kitties, but worse still, sometimes when they jam thier face in to get at the water they wiggle the glass.

    The moral of this story is it's no fun waking up to glass of water being dumped on your head.
    Happy New Year!

  5. How adorable! Happy New Year!

  6. Happy new year! Long ago I switched to lime Perrier at night precisely because of my cat :)

  7. Haha! I love how they shove their fluffy faces way down to get a drink!

  8. LOVE Cat Tuesday! Posted a pic of my dog, Benny, with an arc that just came in the mail on my blog today. Seriously, can't imagine writing without pets! Happy Tuesday!

  9. Adorable pic as usual! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  10. Methinks that perhaps some adorable creature may be developing a drinking problem?

    Just kidding. Happy New Year to you too!

  11. Happy New Year! Send the kitties new year wishes from my Alice. =O)

  12. Hahaha, what a nice photo to capture the essence of your message, cheers to you!

  13. Absolutely adorable pic. Happy New Year!

  14. What a cute picture! My cats do the opposite when they see a glass on the table and will try anything to knock it off and watch complacently as the liquid soaks the floor. Lenore, I am envious because your kitties are so much more well behaved than mine are!

  15. That's so adorable! I don't think I've ever seen a picture like that before. Happy new year!

  16. Bwahahaha! I hope that kitteh didn't get stuck in the glass. LOL

  17. you say they all wish us a happy New Year, but I see only one kitty!

  18. I love it! I haven't caught my kitties doing this, but I'm sure they do when I'm not around.

  19. OMG! That is such a Rudy thing. Seriously he will only drink water out of a glass. Well he used to drink from the toilet until we started using this automatic toilet bowl cleaner stuff. Also used to drink sweet tea out of a glass until mom quit fixing it. Cute shot of Lu! :D


  20. Very cute picture! I like to share fun or interesting pictures I find with my students (5th grade), so this will definitely be going up on Monday!


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