Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (16)

Kaia is a math genius!  Via osmosis of course...

Don't worry - Dystopian February kick-off is later today :)


  1. Lenore, you're not making the cat do your taxes, are you? The poor thing looks utterly worn out, must be from dealing with the IRS! ;)

    Adorable picture!

  2. I will also need to borrow Kaia's services because my checkbook is in a mess right now. I can imagine that she would straighten everything up very quickly! Can I just tell you again that I love Cat Tuesday?

  3. Weee! My favorite day of the week. Even math geniuses need help from a calculator once in awhile. After all, her only has four paws.

  4. I wish I could study like this too, my sleeping on my books!
    Cute :)

    And I can't wait for dystopian February to start!

  5. Love it! If only my dog, Daisy, could do math. She could teach me a little something.

  6. I forgot all about Dystopian February! Woohoo - cute cat picture and the promise of things dystopian - what a treat!

  7. you know she's either typing 58008 or 7734. classic.

  8. Okay. Cuz guess what? I was worried. I've been waiting since August!!

  9. Ha! I want a cat who can do math too!! LOL!

  10. Yeah, math makes me want to snooze too. lol. She is just sooo cute!



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