Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Book Review: Kindred by Tammar Stein

College Freshman Miriam gets a task from God to save a classmate. Her failure to take it seriously gives Miriam a crisis of conscious. But even worse, she discovers that her twin brother Mo may be working for the devil.

KINDRED is a deep and unflinching exploration of faith, freedom of choice and sibling relationships. Miriam is a believably complex protagonist at the cusp of adulthood wrestling not only with angelic visitation and the cosmic battle between good and evil but also a scary health condition and a would be mass murderer.

I was riveted by the personal, spiritual journey Miriam goes through – the lives she touches and those that touch hers. I loved how the “paranormal” aspects of this are grounded in the real world by such a real character.

(Also? If you are one of those readers that complain there aren’t enough bathroom breaks in fiction – this is your book!)

KINDRED is available in hardcover now. Find out more about it at the author’s website.


  1. Sounds interesting, but I'm not quite sure I get what you mean about bathroom breaks.

  2. Sounds like this chick has a lot on her mind...

  3. I think it's interesting that this book incorporates not only God, but the devil as well, and something about the cover and the way you describe it makes me want to rush out and read it. I am off to find out more. Thanks!

  4. Ha! about the bathroom breaks! Interesting concept but not sure if this one is for me.

  5. Hey, congratulations on your book deal!! So awesome! Just thought I'd stop by and tell you that! :D

  6. KINDRED sounds like one I'll enjoy. Thanks for your post! :)

  7. This definitely has an interesting premise.


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