Monday, April 11, 2011

A look at my top 10 blog posts

I've seen this at a couple of blogs lately (Adele's for example), so I checked out my own stats on blogger to see which ones were getting the most traffic in terms of unique visitors.  Now, keep in mind, this is only for the past year.

1. Mockingjay District 10 Post  - No big surprise here! After all, I did put together an awesome playlist and offered a iPod prize.

2. Book Deal Announced - !!!!  Also probably the winner of most comments at 245!

3. Author Interview: Ally Condie discusses Matched 

4. Author Ann Bonwill discusses Christmas Picture Books - I bet this gets a lot of google searches.

5. Author Interview: Maggie Stiefvater discusses Shiver & Linger

6. Free eBook Ranger's Apprentice - Bet they're disapointed when they see this is from 2008 and expired.

7. Author Interview: Megan McCafferty discusses Bumped

8. Where to get free books and ARCs

9. Dystopian August Kick-Off

10. BBAW sign-up

Interesting...especially for those who claim no one reads author interviews ...


  1. I can certainly see why most of those are in your top 10. It looks like you need to do more author interviews. I'm going to have to check my top posts out soon.

  2. What a great selection of posts! Really interesting to see how they stack up, and that an offer of a free eBook ranks so high.

  3. That is interesting! I'm always fascinated to see what seems to pull in the most traffic. I'm going to have to see what mine are.

  4. I can TOTALLY see why those are in your top 10! Interesting about the author interviews too. What proof for the argument.

  5. Wow, that's heartening about author interviews!

  6. Not a surprise to see these in the top 10! I love stats, I think I'll need to check out mine at some point, too!

  7. That's really interesting Lenore! And yes, especially interesting that top posts are author interview. My top post is one I wrote about literary criticism of Twilight, which I think is funny!

  8. Cool idea.

    Maybe with all the interviews in the top 10 it means that the interviews are read more than commented on.

  9. Ha! People read them, but commenting on them is a whole other buffalo.

  10. I just spent an embarrassingly long time reading through all of those. LOL.

    MAJOR congrats on your AMAZING book deal!! :-)

  11. That's really interesting about the author interviews.

  12. No surprises in here. Quite a variety at that too.


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