Saturday, April 9, 2011

Readathon Book Review: The Red Umbrella by Christina Diaz Gonzalez

14 year old Lucia lives in Cuba with her parents and younger brother.  Her concerns are mainly the latest fashions and attending the school dance until soldiers of the revolution come to her town and change her life forever.  Realizing it is no longer safe for them, her parents send Lucia and her brother to the US where they end up living with a family in Nebraska.

Probably the most engaging part of this book was the first part where Lucia slowly comes to realize that something is very wrong in her country.  She has to grow up fast and friendships are tested.  Lucia's relationship with her brother is also a strong anchor in the story, one that keeps her hope alive even set adrift in an unfamiliar environment, not knowing if she'll ever see her parents again.

Powerful and touching historical fiction! Find out more about the book at the author's website.


  1. This sounds really good! I have a good friend who left Cuba as a young girl and she's told me a lot about it.

  2. I'm impressed you pounded out a review during the Read-A-Thon! Hope you're having a good one, Lenore :)

  3. I'm with Wendy--I'm impresssed that you're reviewing as well as reading! I did that last time, but I think I'll just kick back and read all the way through today. I'm having a lazy morning. :)

  4. I enjoyed The Red Umbrella and really enjoyed learning about this era in Cuba's history.


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