Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday to me & Return of Cat Tuesday (33)

Lots of news!  First of all - it's my birthday! I am celebrating today in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Also, for those of you who don't yet know, I finished my first draft of LEVEL TWO before I left for BEA.  Emmy was quite impressed.

BEA week in NYC was a whirlwind of activities and networking.  I nearly lost my voice I was talking so much!  I will do a recap post soon - promise.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lenore! Wow, when you celebrate you do it up big! Hope you had a ball at BEA, as if there is another option. Funny you should mention the voice. When I was at SIBA, my throat hurt like hell. I've never talked so much in my entire life!

  2. Happy Birthday Lenore! It sounds like you are just all over the place, living it up right now! I hope that you are having an amazing time and that you get a chance to celebrate with a few umbrella drinks today! I also can't wait to get a look at the book when it's finally done!

  3. Whoo-hoo! Congrats on finishing your first draft and happy birthday again!

    I look forward to your BEA recap!

  4. Happy Birthday, Lenore! Emmy may not be impressed, but I am!

  5. Happy birthday Lenore! Congrats on the first draft and enjoy living it up in Argentina! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  6. Happy birthday and congrats on finishing your manuscript!

  7. Happy Birthday and congrats on getting the draft done!

  8. Happy Birthday! What a great idea hitting the beaches after new york! I went home and straight to work, sigh, not as enjoyable.
    I didn't loose my voice but my feet swelled up to canteloupe size at the BEA, too hot and too much walking and standing in lines apparently?
    enjoy your day!

  9. Wow! I don't know which to say first: "Happy Birthday" or "Great Job"! Well, I guess there you have them both. Awesome news all around!

  10. adding my birthday wishes here as well (so you'll get them in stereo from me — facebook and blog. maybe it's a duet).

  11. Happy Birthday, Lenore! I hope you are having a wonderful trip.

  12. Happy Birthday Lenore!! Love your kitty and how impressed Emmy was with it.

  13. Happy Birthday Lenore! It sounds like you have a great - no, awesome - year ahead of you! I wish you the best! :)
    (and if Emmy approves, we know it's gonna be good!)

  14. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you've been having a fabulous time! Congrats on finishing your first draft!

  15. If only there was a way for me to sneak over and grab that manuscript ;)


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