Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (29)

I love how Lu and Kaia look while "hunting". So cute!


  1. I know! It's like they think that if they get really down low, they will not be noticed. My cats go outside, and one of them really IS a hunter and he gets low in the grass and stalks bluejays and squirrels.

  2. I know! It's like they think that if they get really down low, they will not be noticed. My cats go outside, and one of them really IS a hunter and he gets low in the grass and stalks bluejays and squirrels.

  3. The faces on your cats are adorable. I want to steal them!

  4. channeling their inner tigers!

  5. Toooo cute! I love that your cat's name is Kaia! Our son's name is Kai. Very good choice if I say so myself. ;O)

  6. Oh my gosh, they are so cute! And Lu is so fluffy! My cats do the hunting thing with lizards, but we try not to let them!

  7. I somehow missed this on Tuesday. What a wonderful treat for a Thursday morning! :)

  8. So cute! And fluffy! And certainly focused.

  9. KITTIES!! They're absolutely adorable! It's nice to have small hunters around, yeah?

  10. Oh so sweet, they looks adorable.. :)

  11. I love it when they get all smooshy down close to the ground! They almost look like ferrets.


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